• FEPS 2014 (27th - 30th august 2014, Budapest - Hungary)
Institute of Experimental Endocrinology of Slovak Academy of Sciences was one of the co-organisator of international conference FEPS (Federation of European Physiological Societies), which took place from 27th August to 30th August 2014 in Budapest.
• 27 August 2014 • 28 August 2014 • 29 August 2014 • 30 August 2014

• Gala dinner
(29 August 2014)

• Link to website of conference FEPS 2014
• European night of researchers 2014 (26th september 2014, Bratislava - Stará tržnica)
Institute of Experimental Endocrinology (SAS) participated in popular meet of public with slovak scientists. The institute was represented by exhibition stand of Laboratory of Diabetes and Metabolic Derangements - Section of Obesity. The event was part of international project - European Night of Researchers 2014 that targeted on popularization of science in public.
Section of Obesity of Laboratory of Diabetes and Metabolic Derangements presented with the exhibition stand with presentation ,,Influence of Exercise on Health", which had big response among visitors of exhibition.
• Night of researchers 2014