Head of Laboratory:
Mária Ficková, RNDr., CSc.
Members of Laboratory:
Ladislav Macho, MD., DrSc.
Alžbeta Mlynarčíková, MSc., PhD.
Scientific directions of the laboratory
- Mechanisms of action of endocrine disruptors are studied at cellular and molecular level. Substances mimicking the action of hormones while polluting the life environment are in the focus of research. Using cell cultures of different tissues, the aim is to reveal the effects of various industrially used plasticizers with estrogenic activity, of derivatives of phenols and phthalates and of their combination with natural hormones on cell proliferation, metabolic processes and on genomic and non-genomic mechanisms of action. Exposure to these chemical substances involves a serious health risk not only for humans but also for farm animals and wild-type animals.
The most important publications of workers of the Laboratory of cellular endocrinology (IF ≥2)
1. Bennasroune A., Fickova M., Gardin A., Dirrig-Grosch S., Aunis D., Cremel G., Hubert P.:Transmembrane peptides as inhibitors of ErbB receptor signaling. Mol Biol Cell. 2004 Jul;15(7):3464-74. IF=7,454
2. Imrich R., Rovensky J., Zlnay M., Radikova Z., Macho L., Vigas M., Koska J.: Hypothalamic pituritary adrenal axis function in ankylosis spondylitis. Ann. Rheum. Dis., 63, 671-674, 2004, IF 3,916
3. Mlynarcikova A., Fickova M., Scsukova S.: The effects of selected phenol and phthalate derivatives on steroid hormone production by cultured porcine granulosa cells. Altern Lab Anim. 2007 Mar; 35(1):71-7, IF 3,203
4. Mlynarcikova A., Kolena J., Fickova M., Scsukova S.:Alterations in steroid hormone production by porcine ovarian granulosa cells caused by bisphenol A and bisphenol A dimethacrylate. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2005 Oct 10; 244 (1-2):57-62, IF=2,786
5. Mlynarcíková A., Nagyová E., Ficková M., Scsuková S.: Effects of selected endocrine disruptors on meiotic maturation, cumulus expansion, synthesis of hyaluronan and progesterone by porcine oocyte-cumulus complexes. Toxicol In Vitro. 2009 Apr; 23(3):371-7. IF=2,473
6. Nagyova E., Camaioni A., Scsukova S., Mlynarcikova A., Prochazka R., Nemcova L., Salustri A.: Activation of cumulus cell SMAD2/3 and epidermal growth factor receptor pathways are involved in porcine oocyte-cumulus cell expansion and steroidogenesis. Mol Reprod Dev. 2011, 78(6): 391-402. IF = 2.395

Fig.1. Staff of the Laboratory of cellular endocrinology. From left to right: A. Mlynarčíková, MSc., PhD.; T. Havránek, MSc.; L. Macho, MD., DrSc.; M. Ficková, RNDr., CSc.