Head of Laboratory:
Alexander Kiss, RNDr., DrSc.
Members of Laboratory:
Boris Mravec, doc. MD., PhD.
Zdenko Pirník, MSc., PhD.
Jana Bundzíková, RNDr., PhD.
Ľubica Lackovičová, MSc., PhD.
Marta Lániová
PhD. students:
Lívia Mikuška, MSc.
Zuzana Majerčíková, MSc.
Scientific directions of the laboratory
- Study of the complexity of the vagus nerve is the central aim of the Laboratory. The role of the central nervous system in the etiopathogenesis of diseases of peripheral tissues is investigated with focus on the involvement of the vagus nerve monitoring and modulating tumour growth. Further research areas concern the participation of the vagus nerve in inflammatory processes accompanying ischemia–reperfusion-induced liver damage and depression, as well as its share in controlling the activity of the sympatho-adrenal system in stress response.
The most important publications of workers of the Laboratory of functional neuromorphology (IF ≥2)
1. Pirnik Z, Bundziková J, Holubová M, Pýchová M, Fehrentz JA, Martinez J, Zelezná B, Maletínská L, Kiss A.: Ghrelin agonists impact on Fos protein expression in brain areas related to food intake regulation in male C57BL/6 mice. Neurochem Int 59, 889-895, 2011. (IF-3,601)
2. Bundzikova J, Pirnik Z, Lackovicova L, Mravec B, Kiss A.: Activation of different neuronal phenotypes in the rat brain induced by liver ischemia-reperfusion injury: dual Fos/neuropeptide immunohistochemistry. Cell Mol Neurobiol 31, 225-232, 2011 (IF-2,423)
3. Bundzikova J, Pirnik Z, Zelena D, Mikkelsen JD, Kiss A.: Response of substances co-expressed in hypothalamic magnocellular neurons to osmotic challenges in normal and Brattleboro rats. Cell Mol Neurobiol 28, 1033-1047, 2008 (IF-2,230)
4. Bundzikova J, Pirnik Z, Zelena D, Mikkelsen JD, Kiss A.: The alpha(2)-adrenoceptors do not modify the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, corticoliberine, and neuropeptide Y producing hypothalamic magnocellular neurons in the Long Evans and Brattleboro rats. J Physiol Pharmacol 61, 391-398, 2010 (IF-2,130)
5. Pirnik Z, Bundzikova J, Francisty T, Cibulova E, Lackovicova L, Mravec B, Kiss A.: Effect of liver ischemia-reperfusion injury on the activity of neurons in the rat brain. Cell Mol Neurobiol 29, 951-960, 2009 (IF-2,107)
6. Bundzikova J, Pirnik Z, Zelena D, Mikkelsen JD, Kiss A.: Alpha2-adrenergic impact on hypothalamic magnocellular oxytocinergic neurons in long evans and brattleboro rats: effects of agonist and antagonists. Cell Mol Neurobiol 29, 1015-1023, 2009 (IF-2,107)
7. Pirnik Z, Bundzikova J, Bizik J, Hulin I, Kiss A, Mravec B.: Activity of brainstem groups of catecholaminergic cells in tumor bearing rats: response to immobilization stress. Ann NY Acad Sci 1148, 141-147, 2008 (IF-2,101)
8. Jacobsen J., Hansen HH., Kiss A., Mikkelsen JD.: The α4β2 nicotine acetylcholine selective agonist ispronicline induces c-Fos expression in selective regions of the rat forebrain. Neurosci Lett 515, 7–11, 2012 (IF-2,055)

Fig.1. Staff of the Laboratory of functional neuromorphology. From left to right: L. Lackovicová, MSc.; Z. Pirník, MSc.,PhD.; B. Mravec, doc. MD., PhD.; J. Bundzíková, RNDr., PhD.; A. Kiss, RNDr., DrSc.; M. Laniová; L. Pallová, MSc.