Head of Laboratory:
Július Brtko, Ing., DrSc.
Members of Laboratory:
Dana Macejová, MSc., PhD.
Soňa Scsuková, MSc., CSc.
Vladimír Lenko, MD.
Ján Liška, MVDr., CSc.
Mária Danihelová
Dana Zemeková
PhD. students:
Lucia Bialešová, Ing.
Kvetoslava Smolíková, MSc.
Scientific directions of the laboratory
- The research focus is on elucidating the mechanisms of action of analogues of retinoic acid and vitamin D3 with regard to their corresponding nuclear receptors, coregulators, and selected target genes and in view of endogenous and exogenous factors which may affect the expression of corresponding transcription factors that canbe induced by biologically active ligands. The feasibility of therapeutic intervention in tumour growth is studied on the model of chemically induced carcinogenesis of the mammary gland in the rat and on human tumour cells. Research outcomes are transposed into clinical studies to reveal the role of nuclear receptors in the therapy of tumours of the thyroid gland, mammary gland, and kidney.
The most important publications of workers of the Laboratory of molecular endocrinology (IF ≥2)
1. Paris M., Escriva H., Schubert M., Brunet F., Brtko J., Ciesielski F., Roecklin D., Vivat-Hannah V., Jamin E.L., Cravedi J-P., Scanlan T.S., Renaud J-P., Holland N.D., Laudet V.: Amphioxus post-embryonic development reveals the homology of chordate metamorphosis. Curr. Biol., 18: 825-830, 2008. (IF: 10,539)
2. Scsucova S, Palacios D, Savignac M, Mellström B, Naranjo JR, Aranda A: The repressor DREAM acts as a transcriptional activator on vitamin D and retinoic acid response elements. Nucleic Acids Research 33: 2269-2279, 2005. (IF: 7,836)
3. Brtko J., Rock E., Nezbedová P., Križanová O., Dvorčáková M., Minet-Quinard R., Farges M-C., Ribalta J., Winklhofer-Roob B.M., Vasson M-P., Macejová D.: Age-related change in the retinoid X receptor beta gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy volunteers: Effect of 13-cis retinoic acid supplementation. Mech. Ageing Dev., 128: 594-600, 2007. (IF: 5.799)
4. Brtko J., Thalhamer J.: Renaissance of the biologically active vitamin A derivatives: Established and novel directed therapies for cancer and chemoprevention (Invited review). Curr. Pharm. Design, 9: 2067-2077, 2003. (IF: 4,774)
5. Macejová D., Rádiková Ž., Macho L., Liška J., Brtko J.: MNU-induced carcinogenesis of rat mammary gland: Effect of thyroid hormone on expression of retinoic acid receptors in tumours of mammary gland. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol., 244: 47-56, 2005. (IF: 4,119)
6. Mlynarčíková A, Kolena J, Ficková M, Scsuková S: Alterations in steroid hormone production by porcine ovarian granulosa cells caused by bisphenol A and bisphenol A dimethacrylate. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 244: 57-62, 2005. (IF: 4,119)
7. Dvořák Z., Vrzal R., Ulrichová J., Macejová D., Ondková S., Brtko J.: Expression, protein stability and transcriptional activity of retinoic acid receptors are affected by microtubules interfering agents and all-trans retinoic acid in primary rat hepatocytes. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol., 267: 89-96, 2007. (IF: 4,119)
8. Brtko J., Dvorak Z.: Role of retinoids, rexinoids and thyroid hormone in the expression of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Current Drug Metabolism, 12: 71-88, 2011. (IF: 3,896)
9. Macejová D., Ondková S., Jakubíková L., Mlynarčíková A., Scsuková S., Liška J., Brtko J.: MNU-induced mammary gland carcinogenesis: Chemopreventive and therapeutic effects of vitamin D and Seocalcitol on selected regulatory vitamin D receptor pathways. Toxicol Lett., 207: 60-72, 2011. (IF: 3,581)
10. Macejová D., Križanová O., Brtko J.: Different mRNA expression profiling of nuclear retinoid, thyroid, estrogen and PPARgamma receptors, their coregulators and selected genes in rat liver and spleen in response to short-term in vivo administration of 13-cis retinoic acid. Toxicol. Lett., 184: 114-120, 2009. (IF: 3,249)
12. Szabová Ľ., Macejová D., Dvorčáková M., Mostböck S., Blažíčková S., Zórad Š., Walrand S., Cardinault N., Vasson M-P., Rock E., Brtko J.: Expression of nuclear retinoic acid receptor in peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) of healthy subjects. Life Sci., 72: 831-836, 2003. (IF: 2,454)
13. Mlynarčíková A., Nagyová E., Ficková M., Scsuková S.: Effects of selected endocrine disruptors on meiotic maturation, cumulus expansion, synthesis of hyaluronan and progesterone by porcine oocyte-cumulus complexes. Toxicol. in vitro 23: 371-377, 2009. (IF: 2,473)

Fig.1. Staff of the Laboratory of molecular endocrinology. From left to right: V. Lenko, MD.; J. Liška, MVDr., CSc.; M.Danihelová; D. Macejová, MSc., PhD.; L. Bialešová, Ing.; S. Scsuková, MSc., CSc.; D. Zemeková; J. Brtko, Ing., DrSc.