Head of Laboratory:
Štefan Zórad, Ing., CSc.
Members of Laboratory:
Katarína Kršková, Ing., PhD.
Jana Jurčovičová, Ing., CSc.
Katarína Vrzalová
PhD. students:
Lucia Balážová, MSc.
Scientific directions of the laboratory
- The Laboratory studies the participation of hormones in controlling metabolism with particular focus on adipose tissue. The main target of investigation is the regulatory role of angiotensin II and of oxytocin in adipogenesis and the responsiveness of the tissue to insulin. In light of the results obtained so far it can be assumed that angiotensin II inhibits adipogenesis and contributes to the hypertrophy and insulin resistance of adipose tissue. Oxytocin, on the other hand, stimulates the genesis of new adipocytes and increases the expression of markers of insulin sensitivity. Animal models of obesity and insulin resistance are used to study proteins presumably possessing protective and compensatory functions in the early phases of metabolic disorder. Further, in rats, experimental models of rheumatoid arthritis, adjuvant arthritis, are employed in investigating immuno-endocrine relationships.
The most important publications of workers of the Laboratory of metabolic regulations (IF ≥2)
1. Ukropec J, Penesova A, Skopkova M, Pura M, Vlcek M, Radikova Z, Imrich R, Ukropcova B, Tajtaková M, Koska J, Zorad S, Belan V, Vanuga P, Payer J, Eckel J, Klimes I, Gasperikova D.: Adipokine protein expression pattern in growth hormone deficiency predisposes to the increased fat cell size and the whole body metabolic derangements. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jun;93(6):2255-62. IF 5.493
2. Eckertova M, Ondrejcakova M, Krskova K, Zorad S, Jezova D.: Subchronic treatment of rats with oxytocin results in improved adipocyte differentiation and increased gene expression of factors involved in adipogenesis. Br J Pharmacol. 162 : 452-463, 2011. IF 5.204
3. Krskova-Tybitanclova K., Macejova D., Brtko J., Baculikova M., Krizanova O., Zorad S.: Short term 13-cis-retinoic acid treatment at therapeutic doses elevates expression of leptin, GLUT4, PPARgamma and aP2 in rat adipose tissue. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 59 (4): 731-744, 2008. IF 4.466
4. Zakova L., Barth T., Jiracek J., Barthova J., Zorad S.: Shortened insulin analogues: marked changes in biological activity resulting from replacement of TyrB26 and N-methylation of peptide bounds in the C-terminus of the B-chain. Biochemistry 43: 2323-2331, 2004. IF 3.922
5. Bacova Z, Baqi L, Benacka O, Payer J, Krizanova O, Zeman M, Smrekova L, Zorad S, Strbak V.: Thyrotropin-releasing hormone in rat heart: effect of swelling, angiotensin II and renin gene. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2006 May-Jun;187(1-2):313-9. IF 2.865
6. Tybitanclova K., Macejova D., Liska J., Brtko J., Zorad S.: AT1 receptor and ACE mRNA are increased in chemically induced carcinoma of rat mammary gland. Mol Cell Endocrinol 144 (1-2): 42-46, 2005. IF 2.626
7. Zorad S., Dou JT, Benicky J, Hutanu D., Tybitanclova K. , Zhou J, Saavedra JM.: Long-term angiotensin II AT1 receptor inhibition produces adipose tissue hypotrophy accompanied by increased expression of adiponectin and PPARgamma. Eur J Pharmacol 552: 112-122, 2006. IF 2.477