Head of Laboratory:
Vladimír Štrbák, MD., DrSc.
Members of Laboratory:
• Research staffers:
Zuzana Bačová, MSc., PhD.
(email: zuzana.bacova@savba.sk)
Ján Bakoš, RNDr., PhD.
(e-mail: j.bakos@savba.sk)
• PhD. students:
Tomáš Havránek, MSc.
(email: tomas.havranek@savba.sk)
• Staffers at research fellowship:
Martina Orečná, MSc., PhD.
(email: martina.orecna@savba.sk)
Roman Hafko, MSc., PhD.
(email: roman.hafko@savba.sk)
• Technical personal:
Nina Ratulovská, Ing. (at maternity leave)
(email: nina.ratulovska@savba.sk)
Katarína Janatová (deputization)
(email: Katarina.janatova@savba.sk)
Scientific directions of the laboratory
- Humoral mechanisms and their role in controlling the secretion of neuropeptides in the pancreas, brain, and heart are studied in vivo and in vitro. The primary issue under study is the mechanism of secretion brought on by changes of the cell volume, as an unconventional mode of inducing exocytosis. So far, the signalling pathway of this stimulation remains unclear. Particular attention is given to the study of secretory reactions of tumour cell lines and to the role Ca2+ plays in the mechanism of their response. A further field of research concerns encapsulation of pancreatic islets by a polymer which would provide their protection, thus broadening the possibilities of their transplantation without immunosuppression.
The most important publications of workers of the Laboratory of neurohumoral regulations (IF ≥3)
1. Bačová Z, Benický J., Lukyanetz EE, Lukyanets IA, Štrbák V: Different Signaling Pathways Involved in Glucose and Cell Swelling-Induced Insulin Secretion by Rat Pancreatic Islets in Vitro. Cell Physiol Biochem 2005;16: 59-68. IF2005 =4,033
2. Nikodemova M, Greer MA, Strbak V: Hypo-osmolarity stimulates and high sodium concentration inhibits thyrotropin-releasing hormone secretion from rat hypothalamus. Neuroscience 1999; 88(4):1299-1306. IF1999= 3,924
3. Bacová Z, Orecná M, Hafko R, Strbák V.: Cell swelling-induced signaling for insulin secretion bypasses steps involving G proteins and PLA2 and is N-ethylmaleimide insensitive. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2007;20(5):387-96. IF2010 =3,585
4. Orečná M, Hafko R, Toporcerová V, Strbák V, Bačová Z. Cell swelling-induced insulin secretion from INS-1E cells is inhibited by extracellular Ca2+ and is tetanus toxin resistant. Cell Physiol Biochem 2010;26:197-208. IF2010 =3,585
5. Hafko R, Orečná M, Bačová Z, Kollarikova G, Lacik I, Strbák V. Mechanism of ethanol-induced insulin secretion from INS-1 and INS-1E tumor cell lines. Cell Physiol Biochem 2009;24:441-450. IF2010 =3,585
6. Jakab M., Lach S., Bacova Z., Langeluddecke C., Strbak V., Schmidt S., Iglseder E., Paulmichl M, Geibel J., Ritter M.: Resveratrol inhibits electrical activity and insulin release from insulinoma cells by block of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and swelling-dependent Cl- currents. 2008,Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, (5-6) 567-578. IF2010 =3,585
7. Jakab M., Grundbichler M., Benicky J., Ravasio A., Chwatal S., Schmidt S., Strbak V., Fürst J, Paulmichl M,Ritter M. Glucose induces anion conductance and cytosol-to-membrane transposition of ICln in INS-1E rat insulinoma cells. 2006, Cellular physiology and biochemistry : international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology., (1-3) 21-34 IF2010 =3,585
8. Dutour A, Giraud P, Kowalski C, Ouafik L'H, Salers P, Strbak V, Oliver C: Ontogenesis of TRH mRNA levels in the rat pancreas. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1987;146:354-360. IF1993= 3,585
9. Najvirtova M, Bacova Z, Mateffyova A, Strbak V: A Role of Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone in Insulin Secretion by Isolated Rat Pancreatic Islets. Pflugers Arch 2005;449(6):547-52. IF2005= 3,564
10. Bacova Z, Baqi L, Benacka O, Payer J, Krizanová O, Zeman M, Smreková L, Zorad S, Strbák V. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone in rat heart: effect of swelling, angiotensin II and renin gene. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2006;187(1-2):313-9. IF2010 =3,138

Fig.1. Staff of the Laboratory of neurohumoral regulations in the year 2010. From left to right: V. Štrbák, MD., DrSc.; R. Hafko, MSc., PhD.; M. Orečná, MSc., PhD.; Z. Bačová, MSc., PhD.; A. Hollá.
Fig.2. Staff of the Laboratory of neurohumoral regulations in the year 2011 From left to right: N. Ratulovská, Ing.; V. Štrbák, MD., DrSc.; Z. Bačová, MSc., PhD.; J. Bakoš, RNDr., PhD.