• Publikationliste des Jahres 2013
• Publikationliste des Jahres 2012 (IF hőher als 3)
• Publikationliste des Jahres 2011 (IF hőher als 3)
• Publikationliste des Jahres 2010 (IF hőher als 3)
• Publikationliste des Jahres 2009 (IF hőher als 3)
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• Publikationliste des Jahres 2004 (IF hőher als 3)
• Publikationliste des Jahres 2003 (IF hőher als 3)
Publikationliste des Jahres 2013
• AAA Wissenschaftliche Monographien verlegten in den ausländischen Verlagshäusern
• ABC Kapitel in wissenschaftlichen Monographien verlegten in den ausländischen Verlagshäusern
• ADCA Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den ausländischen karrentiren Zeitschriften mit dem Impaktfaktor
• ADDA Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den einheimischen karrentieren Zeitschriften mit dem Impaktfaktor
• ADEA Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den ausländischen unkarrentieren Zeitschriften mit dem Impaktfaktor
• ADEB Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den ausländischen unkarrentieren Zeitschriften ohne den Impaktfaktor
• ADFB Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den einheimischen unkarrentieren Zeitschiften ohne den Impaktfaktor
• AED Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den einheimischen rezensierten wissenschaftlichen Sammelbüchern (auch in den Konferenzsammelbüchern), Monographien
• AEF Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den einheimischen unrezensierten wissenschaftlichen Sammelbücher, Monographien
• AEGA Kurzbriefe, Abstrakte der wissenschaftlichen Briefen in ausländischen karrentierten Zeitschriften mit dem Impaktfaktor
• AFDB Beiträge verlegten an den einheimischen Wissenschaftkonferenzen
• AFG Abstrakte der Beiträgen aus den ausländischen Konferenzen
• AFHA Abstrakte der Beiträgen aus den internationalen Wissenschafkonferenzen organisierten in der Slovakischen Republik
• AFHB Abstrakte der Beiträgen aus den einheimischen Konferenzen
• BAB Fachmonographien verlegten in den einheimischen Verlagshäusern
• BCB Lehrbűcher fűr die Grundschulen und Sekundarschulen, Lehrbűcher fűr die Universitäten
• BCK Kapitel in den Lehrbűchern und Lehrtexten
• FAI Redaktorarbeiten und Űberlieferarbeiten mit dem Bibliothekcharakter (Bibliographien, Enzyklopädien, Katalogen, Lexikonen, Sammelbűcher, ...)
• GII Verschiedene Publikationen und Dokumente, die in die keine vorige Kategorie einteilen kőnnen

AAA Wissenschaftliche Monographien verlegten in den ausländischen Verlagshäusern
• KRAHULEC, Boris - FÁBRYOVÁ, Ľubomíra - HOLÉCZY, Pavol - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - A KOLEKTÍV. Klinická obezitológia. Prvé vydanie. Počet strán: 336. Brno : Facta Medica. ISBN 978-80-904731-7-1.

ABC Kapitel in wissenschaftlichen Monographien verlegten in den ausländischen Verlagshäusern
• KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - LU, X. - ZIEGLER, M.G. Stress-triggered changes in peripheral catecholaminergic systems. In A New Era of Catecholamines in the Laboratory and Clinic (Advances in Pharmacology). Burlington: Academic Press, vol. 68, p. 359-397. ISBN 978-0-12-411512-5.
• STANÍK, Juraj - STANÍKOVÁ, D. - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela. Genetika obezity. In KRAHULEC, Boris et al. Klinická obezitológia, s. 67-81. Prvé vydanie. Počet strán: 336. - Brno : Facta Medica. ISBN 978-80-904731-7-1.
• UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - UKROPEC, Jozef. Patofyziológia obezity. In KRAHULEC, Boris et al. Klinická obezitológia, s. 37-58. Prvé vydanie. Počet strán: 336. - Brno : Facta Medica. ISBN 978-80-904731-7-1.
• UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - POLJAK, Z. - UKROPEC, Jozef. Endokrinná funkcia tukového tkaniva. In KRAHULEC, Boris et al. Klinická obezitológia, s. 67-81. Prvé vydanie. Počet strán: 336. - Brno : Facta Medica. ISBN 978-80-904731-7-1.
• UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - UKROPEC, Jozef. Fyzická aktivita, obezita a zdravie. In KRAHULEC, Boris et al. Klinická obezitológia, s. 102-122. Prvé vydanie. Počet strán: 336. - Brno : Facta Medica. ISBN 978-80-904731-7-1.

ADCA Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den ausländischen karrentiren Zeitschriften mit dem Impaktfaktor
• ADAMCOVÁ, M. - RUZICKOVÁ, S. - ŠIMKO, Fedor. Multiplexed immunoassays for simultaneous quantification of cardiovascular biomarkers in the model of hg-nitro-l-arginine methylester (L-name) hypertensive rat. In Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology : formerly Acta Physiologica Polonica, 2013, vol. 64, no. 2, p. 211-217. (2.476 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0867-5910. A
• BAKOŠ, Ján - ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - PAULIKOVÁ, H. - KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, L. - LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana. Oxytocin receptors ligands induce changes in cytoskeleton in neuroblastoma cells. In Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2013, vol. 50, no., p. 462-468. (2.891 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0895-8696. A
• BENES, J. - TOMANKOVA, H. - NOVAKOVA, M. - ROHAN, Z. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - MYSLIVEČEK, J.. Corticotropin-releasing hormone affects short immobilization stress-induced changes in lung cytosolic and membrane glucocorticoid binding sites. In Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2013, vol. 33, no. 4, p. 503-511. (2.293 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0272-4340. A
• BENES, J. - MRAVEC, Boris - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - MYSLIVEČEK, J. The restructuring of muscarinic receptor subtype gene transcripts in c-fos knock-out mice. In Brain Research Bulletin, 2013, vol. 90, n., pp. 30-39. (2.935 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0361-9230. A
• BERTÓK, T. - KLUKOVA, L. - SEDIVA, A. - KASÁK, P. - SEMAK, V. - MIČUŠÍK, M. - OMASTOVÁ, M. - CHOVANOVÁ, Lucia - VLČEK, Miroslav - IMRICH, Richard - VIKARTOVSKÁ, A. - Welwardová - TKÁČ, J. Ultrasensitive impedimetric lectin biosensors with efficient antifouling properties applied in glycoprofiling of human serum samples. In Analytical Chemistry, 2013, vol. 85, p.7324 - 7332. (5.695 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0003-2700. A
• DANEVOVÁ, V. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Kinetics of oxytocin response to repeated restraint stress and/or chronic cold exposure. In Hormone and Metabolic research, 2013, vol. 45, no. 12, p. 845-848. (2.145 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0018-5043. A
• DOVINOVÁ, I. - BARANČÍK, M. - MAJZÚNOVÁ, M. - ZÓRAD, Štefan - GAJDOŠECHOVÁ, Lucia - GREŠOVÁ, L. - ČAČÁNYIOVÁ, S. - KRISTEK, F. - BALIŠ, P. - CHAN JULIE, Y.H. Effects of PPARγ agonist pioglitazone on redox-sensitive cellular signaling in young spontaneously hypertensive rats. In PPAR Research, 2013, vol. 2013, p. 1-11. (2.685 - IF2012). ISSN 1687-4757. SAS-NSC JRP 2010/01, NSC100-2923-B075B-001-MY3 (JYHC), APVV-0348-12, VEGA SR 2/0169/12, VEGA SR 2/0089/11. A
• HERICHOVÁ, I. - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, D. - SZÁNTÓOVÁ, K. - MRAVEC, Boris - NEUPAUEROVÁ, D. - VESELÁ, A. - ZEMAN, M. Effect of angiotensin II on rhythmic per2 expression in the. In Regulatory peptides, 2013, vol.186, p. 49-56. (2.056 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0167-0115. A
• HRENÁK, J. - ARENDÁŠOVÁ, K. - RAJKOVIČOVÁ, R. - AZIRIOVÁ, S. - REPOVÁ, K. - KRAJČÍROVIČOVÁ, K. - CELEC, P. - KAMODYOVÁ, N. - BARTA, A. - ADAMCOVÁ, M. - PAULIS, Ľ. - ŠIMKO, Fedor. Protective effect of captopril, olmesartan, melatonin and compound 21 on doxorubicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. In Physiological Research, 2013, vol. 62, suppl. 1, p. S181-S189. (1.531 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0862-8408. VEGA 1/0227/12, 1/0831/11, 2/0183/12, APVV-0742-10, APVV-0205-11, UK-442/2013, UK-472/2013, PRVOUK P37/5. A
• JEŽOVÁ, Daniela - HLAVÁČOVÁ, Nataša - MAKATSORI, A. - DUNČKO, R. - LODER, I. - HINGHOFER-SZALKAY, H. Increased anxiety induced by listening to unpleasant music during stress exposure is associated with reduced blood pressure and ACTH responses in healthy men. In Neuroendocrinology, 2013, vol. 98, no. 2, p. 144-150. (3.537 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0028-3835. A
• LACKOVIČOVÁ, Ľubica - GAYKEMA, R. P.. - BÁNOVSKÁ, L. - KISS, Alexander - GOEHLER, L. E. - MRAVEC, Boris. The time-course of hindbrain neuronal activity varies according to location during either intraperitoneal or subcutaneous tumor growth in rats: Single Fos and dual Fos/dopamine β-hydroxylase immunohistochemistry. In Journal of Neuroimmunology, 2013, vol., no., p. (3.033 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0165-5728. A
• LAUKOVÁ, Marcela - VARGOVIČ, Peter - VLČEK, Miroslav - LEJAVOVÁ, Katarína - HUDECOVÁ, S. - KRIŽANOVÁ, O. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard. Catecholamine production is differently regulated in splenic T- and B-cells following stress exposure. In Immunobiology, 2013, vol. 218, p. 780-789. (2.814 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0171-2985. A
• LENKO, V. - BIALEŠOVÁ, Lucia - MACEJOVÁ, Dana - BUJDÁK, P. - BREZA, J. - BRTKO, Július. The relationship between renal cell carcinoma and nuclear retinoid/rexinoid receptors. In Biomedical Papers, 2013, vol. 157, no. 4, p. 316-324. (0.990 - IF2012). ISSN 1213-8118. A
• MACEJOVÁ, Dana - GALBAVÝ, Š. - PODOBA, J. - BIALEŠOVÁ, Lucia - BRTKO, Július. mRNA expression pattern of retinoic acid and retinoid X nuclear receptor subtypes in human thyroid papillary carcinoma. In Oncology Reports, 2013, vol. 30, no. 5, p. 2371-2378. (2.297 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 1021-335X. A
• MUL, J. D. - O'DUIBHIR, E. - SHRESTHA, Y. B. - KOPPEN, A. - VARGOVIČ, Peter - TOONEN, P. W. - ZAREBIDAKI, E. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - KALKHOVEN, E. - CUPPEN, E. - BARTNESS, T. J. Pmch-deficiency in rats is associated with normal adipocyte differentiation and lower sympathetic adipose drive. In PLoS ONE, 2013, vol. 8., n. 3, p. e60214. (3.730 - IF2012). (2013 - MEDLINE). ISSN 1932-6203. A
• NAGYOVÁ, E. - NĚMCOVÁ, L. - MLYNARČÍKOVÁ, Alžbeta - SCSUKOVÁ, Soňa - KALOUS, J. Lapatinib inhibits meiotic maturation of porcine oocyte-cumulus complexes cultured in vitro in gonadotropin-supplemented medium. In Fertility and sterility, 2013, vol. 99, no. 6, p. 1739-1748. (4.174 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0015-0282. A
• NIŽŇANSKÝ, L. - KRYŠTOFOVÁ, S. - VARGOVIČ, Peter - KALIŇÁK, M. - SIMKOVIČ, M. - VAREČKA, Ľ. Glutamic acid decarboxylase gene disruption reveals signalling pathway(s) governing complex morphogenic and metabolic events in Trichoderma atroviride. In Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2013, vol. 104, no. 5, p. 793-807. (2.072 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0003-6072. A
• NOSTRAMO, R. - TILLINGER, Andrej - SEROVA, N.L. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - SABBAN, E. L. Bradykinin B2 receptor in the adrenal medulla of male rats and mice: glucocorticoid-dependent increase with immobilization stress. In Endocrinology, 2013, vol. 154, no. 10, p. 3729-3738. (4.717 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0013-7227. A
• PENESOVÁ, Adela - RÁDIKOVÁ, Žofia - VLČEK, Miroslav - KERLIK, J. - LUKÁČ, J. - ROVENSKÝ, J. - IMRICH, Richard. Chronic inflammation and low-dose glucocorticoid effects on glucose metabolism in premenopausal females with rheumatoid arthritis free of conventional metabolic risk factors. In Physiological Research, 2013, vol. 62, no. 1, p. 75-83. (1.531 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0862-8408. A
• REPOVÁ-BEDNÁROVÁ, K. - AZIRIOVÁ, S. - HRENÁK, J. - KRAJČÍROVIČOVÁ, K. - ADAMCOVÁ, M. - PAULIS, Ľ. - ŠIMKO, Fedor. Effect of captopril and melatonin on fibrotic rebuilding of the aorta in 24 hour light-induced hypertension. In Physiological Research, 2013, vol. 62, suppl. 1, p. S135-S141. (1.531 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0862-8408. A
• ŠIMKO, Fedor - REITER, R. J. - PECHÁŇOVÁ, O. - PAULIS, Ľ. Experimental models of melatonin-deficient hypertension. In Frontiers in bioscience, 2013, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 616-625. (3.286 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 1093-9946. A
• ŠIMKO, Fedor - PAULIS, Ľ. Antifibrotic effect of melatonin - Perspective protection in hypertensive heart disease. In International Journal of Cardiology, 2013, vol. 168, no. 3, p. 2876-2877. (5.509 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0167-5273. VEGA 1/0227/12, 2/00183/12, APVV-0742-10. A
• ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, D. - VESELÁ, A. - MRAVEC, Boris - HERICHOVÁ, I. Daily profile of glut1 and glut4 expression in tissues inside and outside the blood-brain barrier in control and streptozotocin-treated rats. In Physiological Research. - Praha : Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2013, vol. 62, suppl. 1, p. S115-S124. (1.531 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0862-8408. A
• ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, D. - MONOŠÍKOVÁ, J. - KOYŠOVÁ, L. - MRAVEC, Boris. Effect of Streptozotocin-induced Diabetes on Clock Gene. In Experimental and clinical endocrinology and diabetes, 2013, vol., no. 121, p. 1-9. (1.555 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0947-7349. A
• THANABALASINGHAM, G. - HUFFMAN, J. - KATTLA, J. - NOVOKMET, M. - RUDAN, I. - GLOYN, A. L. - HAYWARD, C. - ADAMCZYK, B. - REYNOLDS, R. - MUZINIC, A. - HASSANALI, N. - PUCIC, M. - BENNETT, A. - ESSAFI, A. - POLASEK, M. - MUGHAL, S.A. - REDZIC, I. - PRIMORAC, D. - ZGAGA, L. - KOLCIC, I. - HANSEN, T. - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - TJORA, E. - STRACHAN, M. - NIELSEN, T. - STANIK, J. - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - PEDERSEN, O. - NJOLSTAD, P.R. - WILD, S. H. - GYLLENSTEN, U. - GORNIK, O. - WILSON, J. F. - HASTIE, N. - CAMPBELL, H. - MCCARTHY, M. I. - RUDD, P. M. - OWEN, K. R. - LAUC, G. - WRIGHT, A. F. Mutations in HNF1A result in marked alterations of plasma glycan profile. In Diabetes, 2013, vol. 62, no 4, pp. 1329-1337. (7.895 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0012-1797. A
• TILLINGER, Andrej - NOSTRAMO, R. - ,b>KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - SEROVA, N.L. - SABBAN, E. L. Stress-induced changes in gene expression of urocortin 2 and other CRH peptides in rat adrenal medulla: Involvement of glucocorticoids. In Journal of Neurochemistry, 2013, vol. 125, no. 2, p. 185-192. (3.973 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0022-3042. A
• TKÁČOVÁ, R. - UKROPEC, Jozef - SKYBA, P. - UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - POBEHA, P. - KURDIOVÁ, Timea - JOPPA, P. - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela. Effects of hypoxia on adipose tissue expression of NFjB, IjBa, IKKc and IKAP in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In Cell biochemistry and biophysics, 2013, vol. 66, n. 1, pp. 7-12. (3.743 - IF2012). A
• TRNOVEC, T. - JUSKO, TA. - ŠOVČÍKOVÁ, E. - LANCZ, K. - CHOVANCOVÁ, J. - PATAYOVÁ, H. - PALKOVIČOVÁ L, L. - DROBNÁ, B. - LANGER, Pavel - VAN DEN BERG M, M. - DEDIK, L. - WIMMEROVÁ, S. Relative effect potency estimates of dioxin-like activity for dioxins, furans, and dioxin-like PCBs in adults based on two thyroid outcomes. In Environmental Health Perspectives, 2013, vol. 121, no. 8, p. 886-892. (7.260 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0091-6765. A
• VALKOVIČ, L. - UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - CHMELÍK, M. - BALÁŽ, Miroslav - BOGNER, W. - SCHMID, A. - FROLLO, Ivan - ZEMKOVÁ, E. - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - UKROPEC, Jozef - TRATTNIG, S. - KRŠŠÁK, M. Interrelation of 31P-MRS metabolism measurements in resting and exercised quadriceps muscle of overweight-to-obese sedentary individuals. In NMR in Biomedicine, 2013, vol. 26, no. 12, p. 1714-1722. (3.446 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0952-3480. A
• VARGA, J. - FERENCZI, S. - KOVÁCS, KJ. - GARAFOVA, A. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela - ZELENA, D. Comparison of stress-induced changes in adults and pups: is aldosterone the main adrenocortical stress hormone during the perinatal period in rats? In PLoS ONE, 2013, vol. 8., iss. 9, e72313. (3.730 - IF2012). (2013 - MEDLINE). ISSN 1932-6203. A
• VARGOVIČ, Peter - UKROPEC, Jozef - LAUKOVÁ, Marcela - KURDIOVÁ, Timea - BALÁŽ, Miroslav - MANZ, B. - UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard. Repeated immobilization stress induces catecholamine production in rat mesenteric adipocytes. In Stress : the international journal on the biologie of stress, 2013, vol.16, n. 3, pp. 340-352. (3.252 - IF2012). ISSN 1025-3890. A

ADDA Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den einheimischen karrentieren Zeitschriften mit dem Impaktfaktor
• BIALEŠOVÁ, Lucia - BRTKO, Július - LENKO, V. - MACEJOVÁ, Dana. Nuclear receptors - target molecules for isoflavones in cancer chemoprevention. In General Physiology and Biophysics, 2013, vol. 32, no. 4, p. 467-478. (0.852 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS). ISSN 0231-5882. A
• CHOVANOVÁ, Lucia - VLČEK, Miroslav - KRŠKOVÁ, Katarína - PENESOVÁ, Adela - RÁDIKOVÁ, Žofia - ROVENSKÝ, J. - CHOLUJOVÁ, D. - SEDLÁK, J. - IMRICH, Richard. Increased production of IL-6 and IL-17 in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated peripheral mononuclears from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In General Physiology and Biophysics, 2013, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 395-404. (0.852 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS). ISSN 0231-5882. A
• HUDECOVÁ, S. - LENČEŠOVÁ, Ľ. - CSÁDEROVÁ, L. - SEDLÁK, J. - BOHÁČOVÁ, V. - LAUKOVÁ, Marcela - KRIŽANOVÁ, O. Isoproterenol accelerates apoptosis through the over-expression of the sodium/calcium exchanger in HeLa cells. In General Physiology and Biophysics, 2013, vol. 32, p. 311 - 323. (0.852 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS). ISSN 0231-5882. A
• KRÍŽOVÁ, L. - KOLLÁR, B. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela - TURČÁNI, P. Genetic aspects of vitamin D receptor and metabolism in relation to the risk of multiple sclerosis. In General Physiology and Biophysics, 2013, vol. 32, no. 4, p. 459-466. (0.852 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS). ISSN 0231-5882. A

ADEA Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den ausländischen unkarrentieren Zeitschriften mit dem Impaktfaktor
• KRÍŽOVÁ, L. - KOLLÁR, B. - ČARNICKÁ, Z. - ŠIARNIK, P. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela - TURČÁNI, P. Geneteické a environmentálne faktory zapojené do patogenézy sklerózy multiplex. In Česká a Slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, 2013, vol. 76/109, no. 4, p. 430-437. (0.366 - IF2012). ISSN 1210-7859.

ADEB Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den ausländischen unkarrentieren Zeitschriften ohne den Impaktfaktor
• HLAVÁČOVÁ, E. - CHRENOVÁ, J. - RAUSOVÁ, Z. - VLČEK, Miroslav - PENESOVÁ, Adela - DEDÍK, L. Identification of regulatory mechanism of orthostatic response. In World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2013, vol. 77, p. 715-721. ISSN 2010-376X.
• HUSÁROVÁ, V. - LAKATOŠOVÁ, S. - PIVOVARČIOVÁ, A. - BAKOŠ, Ján - DURDIAKOVÁ, J. - KUBRANSKÁ, A. - OSTATNÍKOVÁ, D. Brief report: Plasma oxytocin is lower in children with Asperger syndrome and associated with autistic trait attention to detail. In Open Journal of Psychiatry, 2013, vol. 3, p. 399-402.
• IZÁKOVÁ, L. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Aldosterón - nový biologický marker alebo ďalšia možnosť v liečbe depresie? In Psychiatrie : Časopis pro moderní psychiatrii, 2013, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 13-18. ISSN 1211-7579.
• KURDIOVÁ, Timea - UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - BALÁŽ, Miroslav - LIEBISH, G. - VICIAN, M. - VLČEK, Miroslav - SRBECKÝ, M. - OLEJNÍK, J. - IMRICH, Richard - BELAN, V.- KLIMEŠ, Iwar - SCHMITZ, G. - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - UKROPEC, Jozef. Specific changes in plasma lipidome in obesity and type 2 diabetes are associated with physical activity and muscle mitochondrial function. In Treatment Strategies - Diabetes, 2013, vol. 5, iss. 1, p. 42-43.
• LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - BAKOŠ, Ján. Mechanisms of growth of neuronal axons and dendrites. In Československá fyziologie : biomedicínsky časopis, 2013, vol. 62, no. 2, p. 47-53. ISSN 1210-6313.
• MROSEK, N. - MEISSBURGER, B. - MATAKI, C. - ROEDER, E. - UKROPEC, Jozef - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - NAWROTH, P. P. - RUDOFSKY, G. - AUWERX, J. - SCHOONJANS, K. - WOLFRUM, C. Transcriptional regulation of adipocyte formation by the liver receptor homologue 1 (Lrh1)-Small hetero-dimerization partner (Shp) network. In Molecular Metabolism, 2013, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 314-323. ISSN 2212-8778.
• PENESOVÁ, Adela - RÁDIKOVÁ, Žofia - ČIŽMÁROVÁ, E. - VLČEK, Miroslav - IMRICH, Richard. Insulin sensitivity in young patients with hypertension devoid of conventional risk factors. In Journal fur Hypertonie, 2013, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 15-19. ISSN 1028-2327.
• PIVOVARCIOVA, A. - MRAVEC, Boris. Psychické poruchy a neurologické choroby: význam nervus vagus. In Psychiatrie : Časopis pro moderní psychiatrii, 2013, vol. 17, p. 129-140. ISSN 1211-7579.
• PROKOPOVÁ, B. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Stres a možnosti jeho farmakologického ovplyvnenia - vieme merať stresovú záťaž? In Psychiatrie pro praxi, 2013, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 150-154. ISSN 1213-0508.
• ROVENSKÝ, J. - STANČÍKOVÁ, M. - ŠVÍK, K.- BAUEROVÁ, K. - JURČOVIČOVÁ, Jana. The effects of beta-glucan isolated from Pleurotus ostreatus on the development of arthritis and methotrexate treatment in rats with adjuvant arthritis. In Reumatologia, 2013, vol. 51 no. 4, p. 277-283. ISSN 0034-6233. APVV-21-055205.
• ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír. Cell volume conferences. In Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 2013, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 8-12. ISSN 1682-0363.
• ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír. Cell volume - role in obesity and its maintenance : Minireview. In Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 2013, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 45-48. ISSN 1820-8665.

ADFB Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den einheimischen unkarrentieren Zeitschiften ohne den Impaktfaktor
• BÁNOVSKÁ, L. - LACKOVIČOVÁ, Ľubica - MRAVEC, Boris,. Nádorová kachexia z neurobiologického hľadiska: vplyv hypotalamickeho zápalu. In Monitor Medicíny SLS, 2013, vol. 1-2, no., p. 9-13. ISSN 1338-2551.
• FLODROVÁ, D. - BENKOVSKÁ, D. - MACEJOVÁ, Dana - BIALEŠOVÁ, Lucia - BOBÁLOVÁ, J. - BRTKO, Július. Effects of retinoic acid isomers on proteomic pattern in human breast cancer MCF-7 cell line. In Endocrine Regulations, 2013, vol. 47, no. 4, p. 205-209. ISSN 1210-0668.
• HLAVÁČOVÁ, Nataša - KERLIK, J. - RÁDIKOVÁ, Žofia - IZÁKOVÁ, L. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Measurement of salivary aldosterone: validation by low-dose ACTH test and gender differences. In Endocrine Regulations, 2013, vol. 47, no. 4, p. 201-204. ISSN 1210-0668.
• MARKO, A. - PENESOVÁ, Adela - ŠTURDÍK, E. Potencálna úloha škorice v prevencii metabolického syndrómu, inzulínovej rezistencie a diabetu 2. typu. In Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2013, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 18-22.
• MIKUŠKA, L. - VRABCOVÁ, M. - LACKOVIČOVÁ, Ľubica - UKROPEC, Jozef - HEGEDUSOVÁ, N. - SLAVKOVSKÝ, P. - HUBKA, P. - MRAVEC, Boris. Long-term liquid nutrition intake and development of obesity. In Endocrine Regulations, 2013, vol. 47, no. 2, p. 85-52. ISSN 1210-0668.
• MIKUŠOVÁ, L. - PENESOVÁ, Adela. The role of diet and exercise in obesity prevention. In Slovak Journal of Health Sciences., 2013, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 33-46. MITRO, A. - GALLATZ, K. - PALKOVITS, M. - KISS, Alexander. Ependymal cells variations in the central canal of the rat spinal cord filum terminale: an ultrastructural investigation. In Endocrine Regulations, 2013, vol. 47, no. 2, p. 93-99. ISSN 1210-0668.
• MLYNARČÍKOVÁ, Alžbeta - MACHO, Ladislav - FICKOVÁ, Mária. Bisphenol A alone or in combination with estradiol modulates cell cycle- and apoptosis-related proteins and genes in MCF7 cells. In Endocrine Regulations, 2013, vol. 47, no. 4, p. 189-199. ISSN 1210-0668.
• SMOLÍKOVÁ, Kvetoslava - MLYNARČÍKOVÁ, Alžbeta - SCSUKOVÁ, Soňa. Effect of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on progesterone secretion by porcine ovarian granulosa cells. In Endocrine Regulations, 2013, vol. 47, no. 3, p. 123-131. ISSN 1210-0668.
• STANČÍKOVÁ, M. - ROVENSKÝ, J. - ŠVÍK, K. - BAUEROVÁ, K. - JURČOVIČOVÁ, Jana. Účinok beta-glukánu izolovaného z Pleurotus ostreatus na vývoj artritídy a metotrexátovú liečbu u potkanov s adjuvantnou artritídou. In Rheumatologia : časopis pre otázky pohybového ústrojenstva a spojiva, 2013, vol. 27, č.2, s. 87-93. ISSN 1210-1931. APVV-21-055205.

AED Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den einheimischen rezensierten wissenschaftlichen Sammelbüchern (auch in den Konferenzsammelbüchern), Monographien
• LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - BAKOŠ, Ján. Neuropeptidy vo vývine mozgu: Potenciál na protekciu proti zápalovým zmenám. In Trendy vo vývinovej toxikológii a teratológii. Editori: Michal Dubovický, Igor M. Tomo, Eduard Ujházy, Mojmír Mach. - Bratislava : Ústav experimentálnej farmakológie a toxikológie SAV, 2013, s. 59-73. ISBN 978-80-971042-2-1.
• NOVÁK, P. - ŽILKA, N. - FILIPČÍK, P. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - NOVÁK, M. Stres ako modulátor neurodegeneračnej kaskády indukovanej proteínom tau. In Neurodegeneračné ochorenia mozgu - aktuálna výzva ľudstva pre tretie milénium. - Vydavateľstvo AHO, s. 64-80. ISBN 978-80-971357-0-6.

AEF Wissenschaftliche Briefe in den einheimischen unrezensierten wissenschaftlichen Sammelbücher, Monographien
• BALÁŽIOVÁ, D. - STANÍKOVÁ, D. - HUČKOVÁ, Miroslava - STANÍK, Juraj - VOHNOUT, B. - RAŠLOVÁ, K. - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela. DNA analýza génov zodpovedných za familiárnu hypercholesterolémiu (LDLR, ApoB-100 a PCSK9) u slovenských pacientov. In Zborník Študentskej vedeckej konferencie Prif UK v Bratislave, 24. apríl 2013. - 2013, s. 35-40.
• NOVÁK, P. - ŽILKA, N. - FILIPČÍK, P. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - NOVÁK, M. Stres ako modulátor neurodegeneračnej kaskády indukovanej proteínom tau. In Neurodegeneračné ochorenia mozgu aktuálna výzva ľudstva pre tretie milénium : Zborník. Peter Filipčík, editor. - Dunajská Lužná, Bratislava : AHO3, Neuroimunologický ústav SAV, 2013, s.66-82. ISBN 978-80-971357-0-6.

AEGA Kurzbriefe, Abstrakte der wissenschaftlichen Briefen in ausländischen karrentierten Zeitschriften mit dem Impaktfaktor
• BRTKO, Július - MACEJOVÁ, Dana - BIALEŠOVÁ, Lucia - FICKOVÁ, Mária - BOHÁČOVÁ, V. - SULOVÁ, Z. - BREIER, A. - HUNÁKOVÁ, Ľ. Selected organotin halides: Toxicity versus nuclear retinoic acid/retinoid X receptors and their co-regulators expression in breast cancer and leukemia cell lines. In Toxicology Letters : official journal of EUROTOX, 2013, vol. 221, supplement, p. S113. (3.145 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0378-4274. APVV-0160-11, APVV-290-10, APVV-147-10, APVV-SK-CZ-0211-11, VEGA 2/0008/11 and CEMAN grants.
• HUDECOVÁ, S. - LENČEŠOVÁ, Ľ. - CSÁDEROVÁ, L. - SEDLÁK, J. - LAUKOVÁ, Marcela - KRIŽANOVÁ, O. Isoproterenol accelerates apoptosis through the overexpression of the sodium/calcium exchanger in HeLa cells. In International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2013, vol.32, supplement 1, p.S20. (1.957 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 1107-3756.

AFDB Beiträge verlegten an den einheimischen Wissenschaftkonferenzen
• HLAVÁČOVÁ, E. - CHRENOVÁ, J. - RAUSOVÁ, Z. - VLČEK, Miroslav - PENESOVÁ, Adela - DEDÍK, L. Matematický nástroj v modelovaní biologického procesu nameraných veličín ortostatického testu. In Automatizácia a riadenie v teórii a praxi, ARTEP 2013, Workshop, Stará Lesná, s. 09-1-09-7. ISBN 978-80-553-1330-6.
• MARKO, A. - PENESOVÁ, Adela - ŠTURDÍK, E. Posudzovanie vhodnosti prírodných látok pre prevenciu a liečbu metabolického syndrómu. In Hodnotenie biologicky aktívnych látok: Zborník vybraných vedeckých prác z konferencie, 24.-25. apríla 2013, Pezinok. - Bratislava : STUVITAL, s.r.o., 2013, s. 13-25. ISBN 978-80-227-3974-0.

AFG Abstrakte der Beiträgen aus den ausländischen Konferenzen
• BAČOVÁ, Zuzana - LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - BAKOŠ, Ján. Vývinové zmeny cytoskeletových proteínov a rastových faktorov v hipokampe pod vplyvom oxytocínu. In 89. Fyziologické dny : sborník abstraktů. Praha, 5. - 7. února 2013. - Praha : Falon, 2013, s. 78. ISBN 978-80-87432-06-8.
• BAČOVÁ, Zuzana - LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - BAKOŠ, Ján. Developmental effects of oxytocin on gene expressin of cytoskeletal proteins and growth factors in the rat hippocampus. In New Frontiers in Physiological Research - From Scientific Truth Via Friendship to the Art : abstract book with final program, p. 31. - Beograd : Društvo fiziologa Republike Srbije, 2013. ISBN 978-86-904799-6-2.
• BAKOŠ, Ján - LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana. Oxytocin receptors ligands induce changes in cytoskeleton in neuroblastoma cells. In New Frontiers in Physiological Research - From Scientific Truth Via Friendship to the Art : abstract book with final program, p. 32. - Beograd : Društvo fiziologa Republike Srbije, 2013. ISBN 978-86-904799-6-2.
• BAKOŠ, Ján - LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana. Ligandy oxytocínových receptorov ovplyvňujú génovú expresiu aj proteínové hladiny neurofilamentov in vitro. In 89. Fyziologické dny : sborník abstraktů. Praha, 5. - 7. února 2013. - Praha : Falon, 2013, s. 6. ISBN 978-80-87432-06-8.
• BAKOŠ, Ján - LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana. Oxytocin receptor ligands modulate gene expression and protein levels of nestin and microtubule associated protein 2 in SK-N-SH and U87-MG cells. In Book of Abstracts of 10th World Congress on Neurohypophysial Hormones, p. 26. Bristol, UK, July 15-19, 2013.
• BIALEŠOVÁ, Lucia - BRTKO, Július - MACEJOVÁ, Dana. The Effects of Isoflavone Genistein on the Expression of Selected Nuclear Receptors and their Coregulators. In Military medical science letters : (Vojenské zdravotnické listy), 2013, vol. 82, suppl. 1, p. 2. ISSN 0372-7025.
• BOHÁČOVÁ, V. - ŠTETKA, J. - SULOVÁ, Z. - MACEJOVÁ, Dana - BRTKO, Július - BREIER, A. May ligands of nuclear receptors for retinoids all-trans-and 9-cis retinoic acid influence P-glycoprotein mediated multidrug resistance? In XXVII. xenobiochemické symposium : Pavlov, 27.-30.5.2013. - [Brno] : [Výzkumný ústav veterinárního lékařství], 2013, s. 40.
• BRTKO, Július - MACEJOVÁ, Dana - BIALEŠOVÁ, Lucia - FICKOVÁ, Mária - HUNÁKOVÁ, Ľ. Toxicity of Nuclear Retinoid X Receptors Cognate Ligands of Organotin Origin in Breast Cancer Cell Lines: Effect of Selected Retinoid/Retinoid X Receptor Subtypes Expression. In Military medical science letters : (Vojenské zdravotnické listy), 2013, vol. 82, suppl. 1, p. 3. ISSN 0372-7025.
• CIHOVÁ, M. - ALTANEROVÁ, V. - ALTANER, Č. - MRAVEC, Boris - ONDICOVÁ, K. Prodrug gene therapy mediated by mesenchymal stem cells leads to complete regression of glioblastoma in a preclinical study. In Stem cells and cell therapy: from research to modern clinical application : Sborník abstrakt. - 2013, s. 7.
• DOVINOVÁ, I. - MAJZÚNOVÁ, M. - ZÓRAD, Štefan - GAJDOŠECHOVÁ, Lucia - GREŠOVÁ, L. - ČAČÁNYIOVÁ, S. - KRISTEK, F. - BARANČÍK, M. Vplyv agonistov PPaRγ na radikálovú a bunkovú signalizáciu u hypertenzných zvierat. In XXVII. xenobiochemické symposium : Pavlov, 27.-30.5.2013. - [Brno] : [Výzkumný ústav veterinárního lékařství], 2013, s. 20. SAS-NSC JRP 2010/01.
• DOVINOVÁ, I. - MAJZÚNOVÁ, M. - GAJDOŠECHOVÁ, Lucia - BARANČÍK, M. - ZÓRAD, Štefan - GREŠOVÁ, L. - PAKANOVÁ, Z. - BALIŠ, P. - ČAČÁNYIOVÁ, S. - KRISTEK, F. - CHAN, J.Y.H. Modulation of ROS/NO balance, antioxidant response and cell signaling in young prehypertensive rats. In Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2013, vol. 65, suppl. 2, p. S71. (5.271 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0891-5849. SAS-NSC JRP 2010/01.
• FICKOVÁ, Mária - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - MLYNARČÍKOVÁ, Alžbeta. Alterations of Cell Cycle Related Genes and their Proteins by BPA and BPA-estradiol Mixture in MCF7 uman Breast Carcinoma Cells. In Military medical science letters : (Vojenské zdravotnické listy), 2013, vol. 82, suppl. 1, p. 6. ISSN 0372-7025.
• HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - MACHO, Ladislav - FICKOVÁ, Mária. Účinok bisfenolu A na proliferáciu a apoptózu v ľudských nádorových bunkách prsníka. In 88. fyziologické dny Hradec Králové. - Hradec Králové, 2012, s. 92. ISBN 978-80-263-0210-0.
• HUNÁKOVÁ, Ľ. - MACEJOVÁ, Dana - BIALEŠOVÁ, Lucia - BRTKO, Július. Effects of selected organotin halides on human breast cancer cell line growth and nuclear all-trans retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and retinoid X receptor (RXR) subtypes expression. In UAE cancer congress 2013. - Dubai : UAE, 2013, p. 43. APVV-0160-11, VEGA 2/0177/11, 2/0008/11, CEMAN grants and RfL2012 program funded by Cancer Research Foundation, Slovakia.
• JURKOVIČOVÁ, D. - KRIVJANSKÁ, M. - KRIVJANSKÝ, V. - LULCSÁR, Ľ. - CHOVANEC, M. - GIBADULINOVÁ, A. - OVEČKOVÁ, I. miR-155 a jeho význam pre potreby diagnózy a určenia prognózy onkologických ochorení. In Book of abstracts - XXVII.Olomoucké hematologické dny s mezinárodní účastí. - Olomouc, 2013, p. 19/2331.
• LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana - ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - BAKOŠ, Ján. Vplyv podania oxytocínu a lipopolysacharidu neonatálnym samičkám potkana na zmenu hladín cytoskeletových proteínov a rastových faktorov v hipokampe. In 89. Fyziologické dny : sborník abstraktů. Praha, 5. - 7. února 2013. - Praha : Falon, 2013, s. ISBN 978-80-87432-06-8.
• LEŠŤANOVÁ, Zuzana - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana - ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - BAKOŠ, Ján. Time effect of oxytocin on mRNA and protein levels of nestin and icrotubule associated protein 2 in glioblastoma cells. In Book of Abstracts of 10th World Congress on Neurohypophysial Hormones, p. 118. Bristol, UK, July 15-19, 2013.
• MACEJOVÁ, Dana - BIALEŠOVÁ, Lucia - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - BRTKO, Július - FICKOVÁ, Mária. Effects of di(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate alone or in combination with 17β-estradiol on expression of RXRalpha and RXRbeta retinoid X receptor subtypes in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. In Toxicology Letters : official journal of EUROTOX, 2013, vol. 221S S1-S256, p. 105. (3.145 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0378-4274.
• MLYNARČÍKOVÁ, Alžbeta - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - FICKOVÁ, Mária. Effects of endocrine disruptors Bisphenol A and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in a combination with 17β-estradiol on apoptosis-related genes in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line : 49th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX). September 1-4, 2013, Interlaken, Switzerland. In Toxicology Letters : official journal of EUROTOX, 2013, 221S S1-S256, p. S106. (3.145 - IF2012). (2013 - Current Contents). ISSN 0378-4274.
• MLYNARČÍKOVÁ, Alžbeta - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - FICKOVÁ, Mária. Effects of endocrine disruptors Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and Bisphenol A in a combination with 17β-estradiol on apoptosis-related genes expressionin the MCF-7 breast cancer cells : 18th Interdisciplinary Czech-Slovak Toxicology Conference. June 19-21, 2013, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. In Military medical science letters : (Vojenské zdravotnické listy), 2013, vol. 82, suppl. 1, p. 22. ISSN 0372-7025.
• MLYNARČÍKOVÁ, Alžbeta - HAVRÁNEK, Tomáš - FICKOVÁ, Mária. Effects of the endocrine disruptor di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in a combination with 17β-estradiol on expression of apoptosis- and cell cycle progression-related genes in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line : Joint meeting of national physiological societies, June 20-22, 2013, Kovacica, Serbia. In New Frontiers in Physiological Research - From Scientific Truth Via Friendship to the Art : abstract book with final program, p. 45.
• ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana. Cell swelling, novel regulatory signal affecting various functions. In New Frontiers in Physiological Research - From Scientific Truth Via Friendship to the Art : abstract book with final program, p.19. - Beograd : Društvo fiziologa Republike Srbije, 2013. ISBN 978-86-904799-6-2.

AFHA Abstrakte der Beiträgen aus den internationalen Wissenschafkonferenzen organisierten in der Slovakischen Republik
• BARTEKOVÁ, M. - BARANČÍK, M. - BABIC, Stanislav - POKUSA, Michal - FRIMMEL, K. - OKRUHLICOVÁ, Ľ. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Selected molecular mechanisms involved in stress-induced changes in the heart. In Advances in cardiovascular research : from bench to bedside. International symposium, May 23 - 26, 2013. Program and book of abstracts. - Bratislava : Veda, 2013, p. 54. ISBN 978-80-224-1294-0. VEGA SR 2/0140/12, SAS-NSC JRP 2010/07.
• BARTEKOVÁ, M. - BARANČÍK, M. - BABIC, Stanislav - POKUSA, Michal - FRIMMEL, K. - OKRUHLICOVÁ, Ľ. - RADOŠINSKÁ, J. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Molekulárne mechanizmy zahrnuté v odpovediach srdca na chronický imobilizačný stres. In 41. konferencia Komisie experimentálnej kardiológie, Valčianska dolina 16.-18. október 2013. - Martin, 2013, s. 15. VEGA SR 2/0140/12, VEGA SR 2/0169/12, SAS-NSC JRP 2010/07.
• DOVINOVÁ, I. - MAJZÚNOVÁ, M. - ZÓRAD, Štefan - GAJDOŠECHOVÁ, Lucia - GREŠOVÁ, L. - ČAČÁNYIOVÁ, S. - BARANČÍK, M. - KRISTEK, F. Effect of PPAR gama agonist - pioglidazone on prehypertensive SHR animals. In Advances in cardiovascular research : from bench to bedside. International symposium, May 23 - 26, 2013. Program and book of abstracts. - Bratislava : Veda, 2013, p. 58. ISBN 978-80-224-1294-0. SAS-NSC JRP 2010/01.

AFHB Abstrakte der Beiträgen aus den einheimischen Konferenzen
• BABIC, Stanislav - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Brain plasticity and stress. In Miniconference of PhD. students : abstract booklet. - Bratislava : IEPT SAS, 2013, p. non pag.

BAB Fachmonographien verlegten in den einheimischen Verlagshäusern
• ROVENSKÝ, J. - URBÁNEK, T. - STANČÍKOVÁ, M. - BOSÁK, V. - ŽLNAY, M. - ŽLNAY, D. - KRÁTKA, M. - LUKÁČOVÁ, O. - ŠTVRTINA, S. - KOPECKÝ, S. - JEBARAJ, I. - JEBARAJ, P. - KUMAR, S. - IMRICH, Richard - RÁDIKOVÁ, Žofia - SHETH, K. Alkaptonuria and Ochronosis. Bratislava : Slovak Academic Press, 2013. ISBN 978-80-89607-11-2.

BCB Lehrbűcher fűr die Grundschulen und Sekundarschulen, Lehrbűcher fűr die Universitäten
• MRAVEC, Boris. Nervový systém I. Morfologický a funkčný podklad signalizácie. 89 s. Bratislava : Slovak Academic Press, 2013.
• MRAVEC, Boris. Nervový systém: patofyziológia. 132 s. Bratislava : Slovak Academic Press, 2013.

BCK Kapitel in den Lehrbűchern und Lehrtexten
• HULÍN, I. - MRAVEC, Boris - FERENČÍK, M. Regenerácia a kmeňové bunky. In Kiňová S., Hulín I. et al.: Interná medicína, s. 36-40. - Bratislava : ProLitera, 2013.

FAI Redaktorarbeiten und Űberlieferarbeiten mit dem Bibliothekcharakter (Bibliographien, Enzyklopädien, Katalogen, Lexikonen, Sammelbűcher, ...)
• Endocrine Regulations. Bratislava : Institute of Experimental Endocrinology SAS, 1991-. Obmesačník. ISSN 1210-0668.

GII Verschiedene Publikationen und Dokumente, die in die keine vorige Kategorie einteilen kőnnen"
• FERANEC, J. - KUDELA, K. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - LAPIN, J. Užšia spolupráca vo vesmírnych aktivitách : SAV - jeden z pilierov prístupového procesu Slovenska do ESA. In Správy Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2013, roč. 49, č. 3, s. 8-9. ISSN 0139-6307.
• FERANEC, J. - KUDELA, K. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - LAPIN, J. - ŠKOBLA, D. Slovenská veda vo vesmíre. In Pravda, 11.5.2013, roč. XXIII, č. 108, s. 39. ISSN 1335-4051.

Publikationliste des Jahres 2012 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 3
KRISHNAN, J. - DANZER, C. - SIMKA, T - UKROPEC, Jozef - WALTER, K. M. - KUMPF, S. - MIRTSCHINK, P. - UKROPCOVA, Barbara - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - PEDRAZZINI, T. Dietary obesity - associated Hif1α activation in adipocytes restricts fatty acid oxidation and energy expenditure via supression of the Sirt2-NAD+ system. In Genes & Development, 2012, vol. 26, pp. 259-270. (12.444 - IF 2012)
BEER, N. L. - OSBAK, K. K. - van de BUNT, M. - TRIBBLE, N. D. - STEELE, A. M. - WENSLEY, K. J. - EDGHILL, E. L. - COLCOUGH, K. - BARRETT, A. - VALENTÍNOVÁ, Lucia - RUNDLE, J. K. - RAIMONDO, A. - GRIMSBY, J. - ELLARO, S. - GLOYN, A. L. Insights into the pathogenicity of rare missense GCK variants from the identification and functional characterization of compound heterozygous and double mutations inherited in cis. In Diabetes Care, 2012, vol. 35, pp. 1482-1484. (7.735 - IF 2012)
SIMKO, Fedor - PAULIS, L. Hypertensive heart disease: bone marrow as a significant player in pathologic remodelling< In Journal of Hypertension, 2012, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 1702-1705. (6.873 - IF 2012)
ALTANEROVA, V. - CIHOVA, M. - BABIC, M. - RYCHLY, B. - ONDICOVA, K. - MRAVEC, Boris - ALTANER, C. Human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells expressing yeast cytosiedeaminase: uracil phosphoribosyltransferase inhibit intracerebral rat glioblastoma. In International Journal of Cancer, 2012, vol. 130, pp. 2455-2463. (6.198 - IF 2012)
PACAK, K. - SIROVA, M. - GIUBELLINO, A. - LENCESOVA, L. - CSADEROVA, L. - LAUKOVÁ, Marcela - HUDECOVA, S. - KRIZANOVA, O. NF-ϰβ inhibition significantly upregulates the norepinephrine transporter system, causes apoptosis in pheochromocytoma cell lines and prevents metastasis in an animal model. In International Journal of Cancer, 2012, vol. 131, pp. 2445-2455. (6.198 - IF 2012)
de COUCK, M. - MRAVEC, Boris - GIDRON, Y. You may need the vagus nerve to understand pathophysiology and to treat diseases. In Clinical Science, 2012, vol. 122, pp. 323-328. (4.859 - IF 2012)
PAULIS, L. - ŠIMKO, Fedor - LAUDON, M. Cardiovascular effects of melatonin receptor agonists. In Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, 2012, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1661-1678. (4.744 - IF 2012)
MRAVEC, Boris. The brain as a target for development of new class of drugs for the treatment of somatic diseases. In Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 2012, vol. 16, pp. 433-437. (4.130 - IF 2012)
VALENTÍNOVÁ, Lucia - BEER, N. L. - STANÍK, Juraj - TRIBBLE, N. D. - van de BUNT, M. - HUČKOVÁ, Miroslava - BARRETT, A. - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - GLOYN, A. L. Identification and functional characterization of novel glucokinase mutations causing maturity - Onset diabetes of the young in Slovakia. In PLoS ONE, 2012, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1-8. (3.730 - IF 2012)
ŠIMKO, Fedor. Chronobiology of blood pressure: emerging implications of melatonin. In European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2012, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 1252-1254. (3.365 - IF 2012)
Publikationliste des Jahres 2011 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 3
BARTANUSZ, V. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela - ALAJAJIAN, B. - DIGICAYLIOGLU, M. The blood-spinal cord barrier: Morphology and Clinical Implications. In Annals of Neurology. - Hoboken : WILLEY- LISS, 2011, vol. 70, no. 2, p. 194-206. (10.746 - IF2010)
MEISSBURGER, B. - UKROPEC, Jozef - ROEDER, E. - BEATON, N. - GEIGER, M. - TEUPSER, D. - CIVAN, B. - LANGHANS, W. - NAWROTH, P. P. - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - RUDOFSKY, G. - WOLFRUM, C. Adipogenesis and insulin sensitivity in obesity are regulated by retinoid-related orphan receptor gamma. In EMBO Molecular Medicine, 2011, vol. 3, n. 11, pp. 637-651. (8.833 - IF2010).
THANABALASINGHAM, G. - GLOYN, A. L. - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - TJORA, E. - PEDERSEN, O. - STANÍK, Juraj - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - NJOLSTAD, P.R. - MCCARTHY, M. - OWEN, K. R. - SHAH, N. - VAXILLIARE, M. - HANSEN, T. - TUOMI, T. - SZOPA, M. - JAMES, T. J. - KOKKO, P. - LOISEUER, F. - ANDERSON, E. - GAGET, I. - ISOMAA, B. - NOWAK, N. - READER, H. - MALECKI, M.T. - GROOP, L. - FROGUEL, P. A large multi-centre European study validates high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) as a clinical biomarker for the diagnosis of diabetes subtypes. In Diabetologia : clinical and Experimental Diabetes and Metabolism. - New York : Springer, 2011, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 2801-2810. (6.973 - IF2010).
*CHOMENTOWSKI, P. - COEN, P. M. - RÁDIKOVÁ, Žofia - GOODPASTER B. H. - TOLEDO, F. G. Skeletal muscle mitochondria in insulin resistance: differences in intermyofibrillar versus subsarcolemmal subpopulations and relationship to metabolic flexibility. In Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2011, vol. 96, n. 2, p. 494-503. (6.495 - IF2010).
&ANUNCIADO-KOZA, R.P. - ZHANG, J. - UKROPEC, Jozef - BAJPEYI, S. - KOZA, R. A. - ROGERS, R. C. - CEFALU, W. T. - MYNATT, R. L. - KOZAK, L. P. Inactivation of the mitochondrial carrier SLC25A25 (ATP-Mg2+/Pi transporter) reduces physical endurance and metabolic efficiency in mice. In Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Bethesda : American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2011, vol. 286, no. 13, p. 11659-11671. (5.328 - IF2010)
ECKERTOVÁ, Miroslava - ONDREJČÁKOVÁ, Mária - KRŠKOVÁ, Katarína - ZÓRAD, Štefan - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Subchronic treatment of rats with oxytocin results in improved adipocyte differentiation and increased gene expression of factors involved in adipogenesis. In British journal of pharmacology, 2011, vol. 162, no. 2, p. 452-463. (4.925 - IF2010)
POBEHA, P. - UKROPEC, Jozef - SKYBA, P. - UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - JOPPA, P. - KURDIOVÁ, T. - JAVORSKÝ, M. - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - TKÁČ, I. - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - TKÁČOVÁ, R. Relationship between osteoporosis and adipose tissue leptin and osteoprotegerin in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In Bone, 2011, vol. 48, n. 5, p. 1008-1014. (4.601 - IF2010).
MARTINIOVÁ, L. - PERERA, S.M. - BROUWERS, F.M. - ALESCI, S. - ABU-ASAB, M. - MARVELLE, A.F. - KIESEWETTER, D.O. - THOMASSON, D. - MORRIS, J.C. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - TISCHLER, A. S. - REYNOLDS, J.C. - FOJO, A.T. - PACÁK, Karel. Increased uptake of meta-iodobenzylguanidine, fluorodopamine, and norepinephrine in mouse pheochromocytoma cells and tumors after treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitors. In Endocrine-Related Cancer, 2011, vol. 13, no. 18, p. 143-157. (4.432 - IF2010).
SPARKS, L. M. - MORO, C. - UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - BAJPEYI, S. - CIVITARESE, A. E. - HULVER, M. V. - THORESEN, G. H. - RUSTAN, A. C. - SMITH, S.R. Remodeling lipid metabolism and improving insulin responsiveness in human primary myotubes. In PLoS ONE, 2011, vol. 6, no. 7, e21068. (4.411 - IF2010).
PIRNÍK, Z. - BUNDZÍKOVÁ, Jana - HOLUBOVÁ, M. - PÝCHOVÁ, M. - FEHRENTZ, J. A. - MARTINEZ, J. - ŽELEZNÁ, B. - MALETINSKÁ, L. - KISS, Alexander. Ghrelin agonists impact on Fos protein expression in brain areas related to food intake regulation in male C57BL/6 mice. In Neurochemistry International, 2011, vol. 59, no. 6, p. 889-895. (3.601 - IF2010)
VARGOVIČ, Peter - UKROPEC, Jozef - LAUKOVÁ, Marcela - CLEARY, S. - MANZ, B. - PACAK, K. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard. Adipocytes as a new source of catecholamine production. In FEBS Letters, 2011, vol. 585, no. 14, p. 2279-2284. (3.601 - IF2010).
ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír. Cell Swelling-induced Peptide Hormone Secretion. In Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2011, vol. 28, pp. 1155-1168. (3.585 - IF2010).
MACEJOVÁ, Dana - ONDKOVÁ, Slavomíra - JAKUBÍKOVÁ, Lucia - MLYNARČÍKOVÁ, Alžbeta - SCSUKOVÁ, Soňa - LIŠKA, Ján - BRTKO, Július. MNU-induced mammary gland carcinogenesis: Chemopreventive and therapeutic effects of vitamin D and Seocalcitol on selected regulatory vitamin D receptor pathways. In Toxicology Letters : official journal of EUROTOX, 2011, vol. 207, pp. 60-72. (3.581 - IF2010).
TKÁČOVÁ, R. - POBEHA, P. - UKROPCOVÁ, Barbara - UKROPEC, Jozef. Macronutrient preferences in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hypoxemia. In Nutrition, 2011, vol. 27, n. 10, p. 1093-1094. (3.438 - IF2010).
*PENESOVÁ, Adela - VENTI, C. A. - BUNT, J. C. - BONFIGLIO, S. M. - VOTRUBA, S. B. - KRAKOFF, J. Short-term isocaloric manipulation of carbohydrate intake: effect on subsequent ad libitum energy intake. In European Journal of Nutrition, 2011, vol. 25, n. 6, pp. 391-400. (3.343 - IF2010).
VEERAMAH, KR. - TÖNJES, A. - KOVACS, P. - GROSS, A. - WEGMANN, D. - GEARY, P. - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - SCHOLZ, M. - NOVEMBRE, J. - STUMVOLL, M. Genetic variation in the Sorbs of eastern Germany in the context of broader European genetic diversity. In European Journal of Human Genetics, 2011, vol. 19, n. 9, pp. 995-1001. (4.380 - IF2010).
BRTKO, Július - DVORAK, Z. Role of retinoids, rexinoids and thyroid hormone in the expression of cytochrome P450 enzymes. In Current Drug Metabolism, 2011, vol. 12, 71-88. (3.896 - IF2010).
* ohne die Partizipation der IEE; die Publikation wurde an einem ausslandischen Arbeitsplatz aufgearbeitet, aber ihre Aufnahme gehőrt in der Forschung des Wissenschaftlers in der IEE
& wie aktuellen Arbeitsplatz ist IEE aufgelistet
Publikationliste des Jahres 2010 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 3
ONDIČOVÁ, K. - MRAVEC, Boris. Role of nervous system in cancer aetiopathogenesis. In The Lancet Oncology, 2010, vol. 11, p. 596-601. (14.470 - IF2009)
LANGER, Pavel. The impacts of organochlorines and other persistent pollutants on thyroid and metabolic health. In Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 2010, vol. 31, iss. 4, p. 497-518. (12.048 - IF2009)
*PENESOVÁ, Adela - BUNT, J. C. - BOGARDUS, C. - KRAKOFF, J. Effect of paternal diabetes on pre-diabetic phenotypes in adult offspring. In Diabetes Care, 2010, vol. 33, no. 8, p. 1823-1828. (6.718 - IF2009)
UKROPEC, Jozef - RÁDIKOVÁ, Žofia - HUČKOVÁ, Miroslava - KOŠKA, Juraj - KOCAN, M. - ŠEBŐKOVÁ, Elena - DROBNÁ, Beata - TRNOVEC, Tomáš - SUŠIENKOVÁ, K. - LABUDOVÁ, V. - GAŠPERÍKOVÁ, Daniela - LANGER, Pavel - KLIMEŠ, Iwar. High prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes in a population exposed to high levels of an organochlorine cocktail. In Diabetologia : clinical and Experimental Diabetes and Metabolism, 2010, vol. 53, no. 5, p. 899-906. (6.551 - IF2009)
SIROTKIN, A. V. - LAUKOVÁ, Marcela - OVCHARENKO, D. - BRENAUT, P. - MLYNČEK, M. Identification of microRNAs controlling human ovarian cell proliferation and apoptosis. In Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2010, vol. 223, no. 1, p. 49-56. (4.586 - IF2009)
MARTINIOVÁ, L. - SCHIMEL, Daniel - LAI, Edwin W. - LIMPUANGTHIP, A. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - PACÁK, Karel. In vivo micro-CT imaging of liver lesions in small animal models. In Methods, 2010, vol. 50, no. 1, p. 20-25. (3.763 - IF2009)
HLAVÁČOVÁ, Nataša - BAKOŠ, Ján - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Eplerenone, a selective mineralocorticoid receptor blocker, exerts anxiolytic effects associated with changes in stress hormones and hippocampal BDNF. In Journal of psychopharmacology, 2010, vol. 24, no. 5, p. 779-786. (3.647 - IF2009)
OREČNÁ, Martina - HAFKO, Roman - TOPORCEROVÁ, Veronika - ŠTRBÁK, Vladimír - BAČOVÁ, Zuzana. Cell Swelling-induced Insulin Secretion from INS- 1E Cells is Inhibited by Extracellular Ca2+ and is Tetanus Toxin Resistant. In Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2010, vol. 26, p. 197-208. (3.563 - IF2009)
LENČEŠOVÁ, Ľubomíra - ŠÍROVÁ, Marta - CSÁDEROVÁ, Lucia - LAUKOVÁ, Marcela - SULOVÁ, Zdena - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - KRIŽANOVÁ, Oľga. Changes and role of adrenoceptors in PC12 cell after phenylephrine administration and apoptosis induction. In Neurochemistry International, 2010, vol. 57, p. 884-892. (3.541 - IF2009)
HUDECOVÁ, Soňa - SEDLÁKOVÁ, Barbora - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - ONDRIAŠ, Karol - KRIŽANOVÁ, Oľga. Modulation of the sodium-calcium exchanger in the rat kidney by different sequential stressors. In Stress, 2010, vol. 13, iss. 1, p.15-21. (3.205 - IF2009)
NOVAKOVA, M. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - MYSLIVEČEK, Jaromír. Sexual dimorphism in stress-induced changes in adrenergic and muscarinic receptor densiries in the lung of wild type and CRH-knockout mice. In Stress, 2010, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 22-35. (3.205 - IF2009)
ONDREJČÁKOVÁ, Mária - BAKOŠ, Ján - GARAFOVÁ, A. - KOVÁCS, L. - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Neuroendocrine and cardiovascular parameters during simulation of stress-induced rise in circulating oxytocin in the rat. In Stress : the international journal on the biologie of stress, 2010, vol. 13, iss. 4, p. 314-322. (3.205 - IF2009)
JEŽOVÁ, Daniela - VIGAŠ, Milan - HLAVÁČOVÁ, Nataša - KUKUMBERG, Peter. Attenuated Neuroendocrine Response to Hypoglycemic Stress in Patients with Panic Disorder. In Neuroendocrinology, 2010, vol. 92, p. 112-119. (3.074 - IF2009)
GOSWAMI, N. - LACKNER, H. K. - PAPOUŠEK, I. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela - HINGHOFER-SZALKAY, H. - MONTANI, J. P. Rate of cardiovascular recovery to combined or separate orthostatic and mental challenges. In International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2010, vol. 75, no. 1, p. 54-62. (3.045 - IF2009)
LACKNER, H. K. - GOSWAMI, N. - PAPOUŠEK, I. - ROESSLER, A. - GRASSER, E. K. - MONTANI, J. P. - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela - HINGHOFER-SZALKAY, H. Time course of cardiovascular responses induced by mental and orthostatic challenges. In International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2010, vol. 75, no. 1, p. 48-53. (3.045 - IF2009)
* ohne die Partizipation der IEE; die Publikation wurde an einem ausslandischen Arbeitsplatz aufgearbeitet, aber ihre Aufnahme gehőrt in der Forschung des Wissenschaftlers in der IEE
Publikationliste des Jahres 2009 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 3
KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard - SABBAN, E. L. - PALKOVITS, M. Catecholaminergic Systems in Stress: Structural and Molecular Genetic Approaches. In Physiological reviews, 2009, vol. 89, iss. 2, p. 535-606. (35.000 - IF2008)
GASPERIKOVA, Daniela - TRIBBLE, N.D. - STANÍK, Juraj - HUČKOVÁ, Miroslava - MIŠOVIČOVÁ, N. - VAN DE BUNT, M. - VALENTÍNOVÁ, Lucia - BARROV, B.A. - BARÁK, L. - DOBRÁNSKY, R. - BERECZKOVÁ, E. - MICHALEK, J. - WICKS, K. - COLCLOUGH, K. - KNIGHT, J.C. - ELLARD, S. - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - GLOYN, A.L. Identification of a novel beta cell glucokinase (GCK) promoter mutation (-71 G C) which reduces promoter activity. In Diabetes, vol. 58, p. 1929-1935. (8.398 - IF2008)
SULIMAN, SG - STANÍK, Juraj - MCCULLOCH, LJ - WILSON, N - EDGHILL, EL - MISOVICOVA, N - GASPERIKOVA, Daniela - SANDRIKOVA, V. - ELLIOT, KS - BARÁK, L. - ELLARD, S. - VOLPI, EV. - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - GLOYN, AL. Severe insulin resistance and intrauterine growth deficiency associated with haploinsufficiency for INSR and CHN2: new insights into synergistic pathways involved in growth and metabolism. In Diabetes, 2009, vol. 58, p. 2954-61. (8.398- IF2008)
ZEMAN, Michal - SZANTOOVA, Kristina - STEBELOVÁ, Katarína - MRAVEC, Boris - HERICHOVA, Iveta. Effect of rhythmic melatonin administration on clock gene expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the heart of hypertensive TGR(mRen2)27 rats. In Journal of Hypertension, 2009, vol. 27, suppl. 6, p. 21-26. (5.132- IF2008)
SIROTKIN, A.V. - OVCHARENKO, Dmitriy - GROSSMANN, Roland - LAUKOVÁ, Marcela - MLYNČEK, Miloš. Identification of MicroRNAs Controlling Human Ovarian Cell Steroidogenesis Via a Genome-Scale Screen. In Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2009, vol. 219, iss. 2, p. 415-420. (4.313- IF2008)
BAKOŠ, Ján - HLAVACOVA, Natasa - RAJMAN, M. - ONDICOVA, K. - KOROS, C. - KITRAKI, E. - STEINBUSCH, HW - JEŽOVÁ, Daniela. Enriched environment influences hormonal status and hippocampal brain derived neurotrophic factor in a sex dependent manner. In Neuroscience, 2009, vol. 164, p.788-797. (3.556 - IF2008).
HAFKO, Roman - OREČNÁ, Martina - BACOVA, Zuzana - KOLLÁRIKOVÁ, Gabriela - LACÍK, Igor - STRBAK, Vladimir. Mechanism of ethanol-induced insulin secretion from INS-1 and INS-1E tumor cell lines. In Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2009, vol. 24, iss.5-6, p. 441-450. (3.246- IF2008)
MACEJOVÁ, Dana - KRIŽANOVÁ, Oľga - BRTKO, Július. Different mRNA expression profiling of nuclear retinoid, thyroid, estrogen and PPARgamma receptors, their coregulators and selected genes in rat liver and spleen in response to short-term in vivo administration of 13-cis retinoic acid. In Toxicology Letters, 2009, vol. 184, iss. 2, p.114-120. (3.249- IF2008)
WEIN, S. - WOLFFRAM, S. - SCHREZENMEIR , J. - GASPERIKOVA, Daniela - KLIMEŠ, Iwar - ŠEBOKOVÁ, Elena. Medium-chain fatty acids ameliorate insulin resistance caused by high-fat diets in rats. In Diabetes-metabolism research and reviews, 2009, vol. 25, issue 2, p.185-194. (3.149- IF2008)
Publikationliste des Jahres 2008 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 3
PARIS M, ESCRIVA H, SCHUBERT M, BRUNET F, BRTKO J, CIESIELSKI F, ROECKLIN D, VIVAT-HANNAH V, JAMIN EL, CRAVEDI JP, SCANLAN TS, RENAUD JP, HOLLAND ND, LAUDET V: Amphioxus post-embryonic development reveals the homology of chordate metamorphosis. CURRENT BIOLOGY 18: 825-830, 2008 (10,539 - IF2007)
*TOLEDO FG, MENSHIKOVA EV, AZUMA K, RÁDIKOVÁ ž, KELLEY CA, RITOV VB, KELLEY DE: Mitochondrial capacity in skeletal muscle is not stimulated by weight loss, despite increases in insulin action and decreases in intramyocellular lipid content. DIABETES 57(4): 987-994, 2008 (8,261 - IF2007)
#Edghill EL, Flanagan SE, Patch AM, Boustred C, Parrish A, Shields B, Shepherd MH, Hussain K, Kapoor R, Malecki M, MacDonald MJ, Støy J, Steiner DF, Philipson LH, Bell GI: the Neonatal Diabetes International Collaborative Group (including Barák Ľ, Gašperíková D, Klimeš I, Staník J) Hattersley AT and Ellard S: Insulin Mutation Screening in 1044 Patients with Diabetes: Mutations in the INS gene are a Common Cause of Neonatal Diabetes but a Rarer Cause of Diabetes Diagnosed in Childhood or Adulthood. DIABETES57(4): 1034-42, 2008 (8,261 - IF2007)
Staník J, Lethby M, Flanagan SE, Gašperíková D, Milošovičová B, Lever M, Bullman H, Zubcevič L, Hattersley AT, Ellard S, Ashcroft FM, Klimeš I: Coincidence of a novel KCNJ11 missense variant R365H with a paternally inherited 6q24 duplication in a patient with transient neonatal diabetes. DIABETES CARE31(9): 1736-7, 2008 (7,851 - IF2007)
MRAVEC B, GIDRON Y, HULíN I: Neurobiology of cancer: interactions between nervous, endocrine and immune systems as a base for monitoring and modulating the tumorigenesis by the brain. SEMIN CANCER BIOL 18: 150-163, 2008 (7,500 - IF2007)
Elenkov IJ, KvetŇanskÝ R, Hashiramoto A, Bakalov VK, Link AA, Zachman K, Crane M, JeŽovÁ D, RovenskÝ J, Dimitrov MA, Gold PW, Bonini S, Fleisher T, Chrousos GP, Wilder RL.: Low- versus high-baseline epinephrine output shapes opposite innate cytokine profiles: presence of Lewis- and Fischer-like neurohormonal immune phenotypes in humans? J IMMUNOL. 181(3): 1737-1745, 2008 (6,068 - IF2007)
#Ellard S, Bellanne-Chantelot, the European Molecular Genetics QualitY Network (EMQN) MODY group (including Gašperíková D, And KlimeŠ I) and Hattersley AT: Best Practice Guidelines for the molecular genetic diagnosis of maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) DIABETOLOGIA51(4): 546-53, 2008 (5,822 - IF2007)
Tammaro P, Flanagan SE, Zadek B, Srinivasan s, Woodhead h, Hameed s, Klimeš I, Hattersley at, ellard s, ashcroft fm: A Kir6.2 mutation causing severe functional effects in vitro produces neonatal diabetes without the expected neurological complications. DIABETOLOGIA 51: 802-810, 2008 (5,822 - IF2007)
&ANUNCIADO-KOZA R, UKROPEC J, KOZA RA, KOZAK LP: Inactivation of UCP1 and the glycerol phosphate cycle synergistically increases energy expenditure to resist diet-induced obesity. J BIOL CHEM. 283(41): 27688-97, 2008 (5,580 - IF2007)
Ukropec J, Penesová A, Škopková M, Pura M, VlČek M, Rádiková ž, Imrich R, Ukropcová B, Tajtáková M, KoŠka J, Zórad S, Belan V, Vanuga P, Payer J, Eckel J, KlimeŠ I, GaŠperíková D: Adipokine protein expression pattern in growth hormone deficiency predisposes to the increased fat cell size and the whole body metabolic derangements. J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB. 93(6): 2255-62, 2008 (5,493 - IF2007)
*AZUMA K, RÁDIKOVÁ Ž, MANCINO J, TOLEDO FG, THOMAS E, KANGANI C, DALLA MAN C, COBELLI C, HOLST JJ, DEACON CF, HE Y, LIGUEROS-SAYLAN M, SERRA D, FOLEY JE, KELLEY DE: Measurements of islet function and glucose metabolism with the DPP-4 inhibitor Vildagliptin in patients with Type 2 Diabetes. J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB 93(2): 459-464, 2008, K.A. and Z.R. contributed equally to this work (5,493 - IF2007)
KRŠKOVÁ-TYBITANCLOVÁ K, MACEJOVÁ D, BRTKO J, BACULíKOVÁ M, KRIŽANOVÁ O, ZóRAD S: Short term 13-cis-retinoic acid treatment at therapeutic doses elevates expression of leptin, GLUT4, PPARgamma and aP2 in rat adipose tissue. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 59 (4): 731-744, 2008 (4,466 - IF2007)
JAKAB M, LACH S, BAČOVÁ Z, LANGELÜDDECKE C, ŠTRBÁK V, SCHMIDT S, IGLSEDER E, PAULMICHL M, GEIBEL J, RITTER M.: Resveratrol inhibits electrical activity and insulin release from insulinoma cells by block of voltage-gated Ca+ channels and swelling-dependent Cl- currents. CELL PHYSIOL BIOCHEM. 22(5-6): 567-578, 2008 (3,557 - IF2007)
HlaváČovÁ N, JeŽovÁ D: Chronic treatment with the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone results in increased anxiety-like behavior. HORM BEHAV. 54(1): 90-97, 2008 (3,401 - IF2007)
PistovČákovÁ J, Dostálek M, ŠulcovÁ A, JeŽovÁ D: Tiagabine Treatment is Associated with Neurochemical, Immune and Behavioural Alterations in the Olfactory Bulbectomized Rat Model of Depression. PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY 41(2): 54-59, 2008 (3,234 - IF2007)
* ohne die Partizipation der IEE; die Publikation wurde an einem ausslandischen Arbeitsplatz aufgearbeitet, aber ihre Aufnahme gehőrt in der Forschung des Wissenschaftlers in der IEE
# Arbeitsplatz ist im Appendix aufgelistet
& wie aktuellen Arbeitsplatz ist IEE aufgelistet
Publikationliste des Jahres 2007 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 3
Kuo LE, Kitlinska JB, Tilan JU, Li L, Baker SB, Johnson MD, Lee EW, Burnett MS, Fricke ST, KvetNansky R, Herzog H, Zukowska Z: Neuropeptide Y acts directly in the periphery on fat tissue and mediates stress-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome. Nature Med 13(7): 803-811, 2007 (28,588 - IF2006)
*Toledo FG, Menshikova EV, Ritov VB, Azuma K, Radikova Z, DeLany J, Kelley DE: Effects of physical activity and weight loss on skeletal muscle mitochondria and relationship with glucose control in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 56(8): 2142-2147, 2007 (7,955 - IF2006)
*Ukropcova B, Sereda O, de Jonge L, Bogacka I, Nguyen T, Xie H, Bray GA, Smith SR: Family history of diabetes links impaired substrate switching and reduced mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle. Diabetes 56(3): 720-7, 2007 (7,955 - IF2006)
Stanik J, Gasperikova D, Paskova M, Barak L, Javorkova J, Jancova E, Ciljakova M, Hlava P, Michalek J, Flanagan SE, Pearson E, Hattersley AT, Ellard S, Klimes I: Prevalence of permanent neonatal diabetes in Slovakia and successful replacement of insulin with sulfonylurea therapy in KCNJ11 and ABCC8 mutation carriers. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92(4): 1276-1282, 2007 (5,799 - IF2006)
Tai TC, Claycomb R, Siddall BJ, Bell RA, KvetŇanskÝ R, Wong DL: Stress-induced changes in epinephrine expression in the adrenal medulla in vivo. J Neurochem 101(4): 1108-1118, 2007 (4,260 - IF2006)
Brtko J, Rock E, Nezbedova P, Krizanova O, Dvorcakova M, Minet-Quinard R, Farges MC, Ribalta J, Winklhofer-Roob BM, Vasson MP, Macejova D: Age-related change in the retinoid X receptor beta gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy volunteers: Effect of 13-cis retinoic acid supplementation. Mech Ageing Dev 128(11): 594-600, 2007 (3,846 - IF2006)
Mlynarik M, Zelena D, Bagdy G, Makara GB, Jezova D: Signs of attenuated depression-like behavior in vasopressin deficient Brattleboro rats. Horm Behav 51: 395-405, 2007 (3,79 - IF2006)
BAČOVÁ Z, OREČNÁ M, HAFKO R, ŠTRBÁK V:Cell swelling-induced signaling for insulin secretion bypasses steps involving G proteins and PLA2 and is N-ethylmaleimide insensitive. Cell Physiol Biochem20: 387-396, 2007 (3,558 - IF2006)
Škopková M, Penesová A, Sell H, Rádiková Ž, Vlček M, Imrich R, Koška J, Ukropec J, Eckel J, Klimeš I, Gašperíková D: Protein array reveals differentially expressed proteins in subcutaneous adipose tissue in obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring) 10: 2396-406, 2007 (3,491 - IF2006)
Aguilera G, Kiss A, Liu Y, Kamitakahara A: Negative regulation of corticotrophin releasing hormone expression and limitation of stress response. Stress 10(2): 153-161, 2007 ((3,200 - IF2006)
Jezova D, Radikova Z, Vigas M: Growth hormone response to different consecutive stress stimuli in healthy men: is there any difference? Stress 10: 205-211, 2007 (3,20 - IF2006)
Krizanova O, Myslivecek J, Tillinger A, Jurkovicova D, Kubovcakova L: Adrenergic and calcium modulation of the heart in stress: from molecular biology to function. Stress 10(2): 173-184, 2007 (3,200 - IF2006)
Patterson-Buckendahl P, Pohorecky LA, Kvetňanský R: Differing effects of acute and chronic stressors on plasma osteocalcin and leptin in rats. Stress 10(2): 163-172, 2007 (3,200 - IF2006)
Szekacs D, Bodnar I, Mravec B, KvetŇanskÝ R, Vizi ES, Nagy GM, Fekete MI: The peripheral noradrenergic terminal as possible site of action of salsolinol as prolactoliberin. Neurochem Int 50(2): 427-434, 2007 (3,159 - IF2006)
* ohne die Partizipation der IEE; die Publikation wurde an einem ausslandischen Arbeitsplatz aufgearbeitet, aber ihre Aufnahme gehőrt in der Forschung des Wissenschaftlers in der IEE
Publikationliste des Jahres 2006 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 3
PEARSON ER, FLECHTNER I, NJOLSTAD PR, MALECKI MT, FLANAGAN SE, LARKIN B, ASHCROFT FM, KLIMES I, CODNER E, IOTOVA V, SLIGERLAND AS, SHIELD J, ROBERT JJ, HOLST JJ, CLARK PM, ELLARD S, SOVIK O, POLAK M, HATTERSLEY AT: for the Neonatal Diabetes International Collaborative Group (including GASPERIKOVA D, STANIK J): Switching from insulin to oral sulfonylureas in patients with diabetes due to Kir6.2 mutations. N ENGL J MED 355 (5): 467-77, 2006. (48,570 - IF2005)
AKDEMIR F, FARKAŠ R, CHEN P, JUHASZ G, MEDVEĎOVÁ L, SASS M, WANG L, WANG X, CHITTARANJAN S, GORSKI SM, RODRIGUEZ A, ABRAMS JM: Autophay occurs upstream or parallel to the apoptosome during histolytic cell death. DEVELOP 133 (8): 1457-1465, 2006 (9,162 - IF2005)
&UKROPEC J, ANUNCIADO RV, RAVUSSIN Y, HULVER MW, KOZAK LP: UCP1-independent Thermogenesis in White Adipose Tissue of Cold-acclimated Ucp1-/- Mice. J BIOL CHEM 281(42):31894-31908, 2006. (5,854 - IF2005)
JURKOVIČOVÁ D, KUBOVČÁKOVÁ L, HUDECOVÁ S, KVETŇANSKÝ R, KRIŽANOVÁ O: Adrenergic modulation of the type 1 IP3 receptors in the rat heart. BIOCHIM BIOPHYS ACTA 1763: 18-24, 2006. (4.844 - IF2005)
KUBOVČÁKOVÁ L, MIČUTKOVÁ L, BARTOŠOVÁ Z, SABBAN EL, KRIŽANOVÁ O, KVETŇANSKÝ R: Identification of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase gene expression in stellate ganglia and its modulation by stress. J NEUROCHEM 97:1419-30, 2006. (4.604 - IF2005)
MRAVEC B: Possible involvement of the vagus nerve in monitoring plasma catecholamine levels. NEUROBIOL LEARN MEM 86, 353-355, 2006. (4.091 - IF2005)
JAKAB M, GRUNDBICHLER M, BENICKY J, RAVASIO A, CHWATAL S, SCHMIDT S, STRBAK V, FURST J, PAULMICHL M, RITTER M. Glucose induces anion conductance and cytosol-to-membrane transposition of ICln in INS-1E rat insulinoma cells. CELL PHYSIOL BIOCHEM 18(1-3): 21-34. 2006 (4,033 - IF2005)
IMRICH R, LUKAC J, ROVENSKY J, RADIKOVA Z, PENESOVA A, KVETNANSKY R, HUCKOVA M, VIGAS M, MACHO L, KOSKA J: Lower adrenocortical and adrenomedullary responses to hypoglycemia in premenopausal women with systemic sclerosis. J RHEUMATOL 33(11): 2235-2241, 2006 (3,010 - IF2005)
& wie aktuellen Arbeitsplatz ist IEE aufgelistet
Publikationliste des Jahres 2005 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 3
BROUWERS FM, PETRICOIN EF, KSINANTOVA L, BREZA J, RAJAPAKSE V, ROSS S, JOHANN D, MANNELLI M, SHULKIN BL, KVETNANSKY R, EISENHOFER G, WALTHER MM, HITT BA, CONRADS TP, VEENSTRA D, MANNION DP, WALL MR, WOLFE GM, FUSARO VA, LIOTTA LA, PACAK K: Low molecular weight proteomic information distinguishes metastatic from benign pheochromocytoma. ENDOCR RELAT CANCER 12 (2): 263-272, 2005. (4,597 - IF2004)
OHTA S, LAI EW, PANG ALY, BROUWERS FM, CHAN WY, EISENHOFER G, KRIJGER R, KSINANTOVA L, BREZA J, BLAZICEK P, KVETNANSKY R, WESLEY RA, PACAK K: Downregulation of metastasis suppressor genes in malignant pheochromocytoma. INT J CANCER 114 (1): 139-143, 2005. (4,416 - IF2004)
IMRICH R, ROVENSKY J, MALIS F, ZLNAY D, KILLINGER Z, KVETNANSKY R, HUCKOVA M, VIGAS M, MACHO L, KOSKA J: Low levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in plasma, and reduced symphatoadrenal response to hypoglycaemia in premenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis. ANN RHEUM DIS 64 (2): 202-206, 2005. (3,916 - IF2004)
IMRICH R, ROVENSKY J, VIGAS M: Different threshold for prolactin response to hypoglycaemia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis? ANN RHEUM DIS 64 (2): 515-516, 2005. (3,916 - IF2004)
KLIMES I, WESTON K, GASPERIKOVA D, KOVACS P, KVETNANSKY R, JEZOVA D, DIXON R, THOMPSON JR, SEBOKOVA E, SAMANI J: Mapping of genetic determinants of the sympathoneural response to stress. PHYSIOL GENOM 20: 183-187, 2005. (3,855 - IF2004)
PISTOVCAKOVA J, MAKATSORI A, SULCOVA A, JEZOVA D: Felbamate reduces hormone release and locomotor hypoactivity induced by repeated stress of social defeat in mice. EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL 15: 153-158, 2005 (3,545 - IF2004)
STEFANIK P, MACEJOVA D, MRAVEC B, BRTKO J, KRIZANOVA O: Distinct modulation of a gene expression of the type 1 and 2 IP3 receptors by retinoic acid in brain areas. NEUROCHEM INT 46 (7): 559-564, 2005. (3,211 - IF2004)
PIRNIK Z, JEZOVA D, MIKKELSEN JD, KISS A: Xylazine activates oxytocinergic but not vasopressinergic hypothalamic neurons under normal and hyperosmotic conditions in rats. NEUROCHEM INT 47(7): 458-465, 2005. (3,211 - IF2004)
BACOVA Z, BENICKY J, LUKYANETZ EE, LUKYANETS IA, STRBAK V: Different Signaling Pathways Involved in Glucose and Cell Swelling-Induced Insulin Secretion by Rat Pancreatic Islets in Vitro. CELL PHYSIOL BIOCHEM 16: 59-68, 2005. (3,093 - IF2004)
Publikationliste des Jahres 2004 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 3
BENNASROUNE A, FICKOVA M, GARDIN A, DIRRIG-GROSCH S, AUNIS D, CREMEL G, HUBERT P: Transmembrane peptides as inhibitors of ErbB receptor signaling. MOL BIOL CELL 15(7):3464-74, 2004. (7.454 - IF2003)
ZAKOVA L, BARTH T, JIRACEK J, BARTHOVA J, ZORAD S: Shortened insulin analogues: marked changes in biological activity resulting from replacement of TyrB26 and N-methylation of peptide bonds in the C-terminus of the B-chain. BIOCHEM 43: 2323-2331, 2004. (3.922 - IF2003)
IMRICH R, ROVENSKY J, ZLNAY M, RADIKOVA Z, MACHO L, VIGAS M, KOSKA J: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in ankylosing spondylitis. ANN RHEUM DIS 63: 671-674, 2004. (3,827 - IF2003)
KUBOVCAKOVA L, KRIZANOVA O, KVETNANSKY R: Identification of the aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase gene expression in various mice tissues and its modulation by immobilization stress in stellate ganglia. NEUROSCI 126: 375-380, 2004. (3,601 - IF2003)
MONCEK F, DUNCKO R, JOHANSSON BB, JEZOVA D: Effect of environmental enrichment on stress related systems in rats. J NEUROENDOCRINOL 16: 423-431, 2004. (3,418 - IF2003)
BODNAR I, MRAVEC B, KUBOVCAKOVA L, TOTH EB, FULOP F, FEKETE MIK, KVETNANSKY R, NAGY GM: Stress- as well as suckling-induced prolactin release is blocked by a structural analogue of the putative hypophysiotrophic prolactin-releasing factor, salsolinol. J NEUROENDOCRINOL 16: 208-213, 2004. (3,418 - IF2003)
PIRNIK Z, MRAVEC B, KISS A: Fos protein expression in mouse hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei upon osmotic stimulus: colocalization with vasopressin, oxytocin, and tyrosine hydroxylase. NEUROCHEM INT 45(5): 597-607, 2004. (3,261 - IF2003)
Publikationliste des Jahres 2003 mit dem Impaktfaktor IF hőher als 33
KLIMES, I. – WESTON, K. – KOVACS, P. – GASPERIKOVA, D. – JEZOVA, D. – KVETNANSKY, R. – THOMPSON, J. R. – SEBOKOVA, E. – SAMANI, N.J.: Mapping of genetic loci predisposing to hypertriglyceridaemia in the hereditary hypertriglyceridaemic rat: analysis of genetic association with related traits of the insulin resistance syndrome. Diabetologia, 46: 352-358, 2003. (5,136 – IF2002)
BRTKO, J. – THALHAMER, J.: Renaissance of the biologically active vitamin A derivatives: Established and novel directed therapies for cancer and chemoprevention. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 9: 2067-2077, 2003. (4,692 – IF2002)
ROVENSKY, J. – IMRICH, R. – KOSKA, J. – KOVALANCIK, M. – KILLINGER, Z. – PAYER, J. – VIGAS, M. – JEZOVA, D.: Cortisol elimination from plasma in premenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis, 62: 674-6, 2003. (3,593 – IF2002)
MONCEK, F. – AGUILERA, G. – JEZOVA, D.: Insufficient activation of adrenocortical but not adrenomedullary hormones during stress in rats subjected to repeated immune challenge. J Neuroimmunol, 142: 86-92, 2003. (3,577 - IF2002)
NEUMANN, S. – BAYER, Y. – RESKE, A. – TAJTÁKOVÁ, M. – LANGER, P. – PASCHKE, R.: Further indications for genetic heterogeneity of euthyroid familial goiter. J Mol Med, 81: 736-745, 2003. (3,303 - IF2002)
NAJVIRTOVA, M. – GREER, S.E. – GREER, M.A. – BAQI, L. – BENICKY, J. – STRBAK, V.: Cell volume induced hormone secretion: Studies on signal transduction and specificity. Cell Physiol Biochem, 13: 113-122, 2003. (3,059 - IF2002)
MICUTKOVA, L. – RYCHKOVA, N. – SABBAN, E.L. – KRIZANOVA, O. – KVETNANSKY, R.: Quantitation of changes in gene expression of norepinephrine biosynthetic enzymes in rat stellate ganglia induced by stress. Neurochem Int, 43(3): 235-242, 2003. (3,040 - IF2002)
MICUTKOVA, L. – KVETNANSKY, R. – KRIZANOVA, O.: Repeated immobilization stress reduces the gene expression of type 1 and 2 IP3 receptors in stellate ganglia. Neurochem Int, 43(6): 557-561, 2003. (3,040 - IF2002)